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History of ISIS
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In the world humans are no stranger to injustices. We have too many injustices to count on one hand. They go from politics, human trafficking, racism, and lastly terrorist group. Terrorism is an ongoing issue that has become a part of the public's everyday life. People read about car bombings and shootings practically everyday. The on going violence causes people great anxiety. When the public thought it could not be any worse, greater atrocities have been committed in the name of Islam by a group that calls itself Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). ISIS distorts the religious beliefs of Islam and attracts the young people around the world to perform their Terrorist attacks. While terrorism has been around, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria …show more content…
is the newest incarnation of a terrorist group, that is causing a horrific impact on the whole world. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria also well known as ISIS or ISIL has taken a crucial role in the threat against the world.
The Islamic State can be trailed back to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The United States led an attack on Iraq, after this attack Zarqawi gave their support to al-Qaeda. This evolved into the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI) after Zarqawi died. Not being as strong and capable of fighting against the United States a man who was a former detainee of the United States started to rebuild ISI. In April an announcement was made, “Baghdadi announced the merger of his forces in Iraq and Syria and the creation of "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant” (ISIS)” (“What Is Islamic State”). This is the beginning of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, The people who lead al-Nusra and al-Qaeda fought against the move. The fighters who follow Baghdadi disband and pledged their allegiance to …show more content…
ISIS. There are six major leaders and commanders, they are crucial to the existence of ISIS.
The leaders are extreme confidential not much is known about them, with intel from Iraq interior ministry. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi first became a leader of al-Qaeda which later turned into ISIS. al-Baghdadi is the third in command, battlefield commander, and tactician. This made his group more attractive to young jihadists than al-Qaeda. Al-Iraqi is a member of the organization’s military council. He worked for Iraq’s air defense intelligence under the rein of Saddam Hussein. Abu Ayman was detained for three and after he was released, he joined ISIS becoming a commander. Abu Ahmad al-Alwani is a councilmen of the military and was a former member of Saddam’s army. Abu Abdulrahman al-Bilawi was one of the four important members of the ISIS military and the head of the Shura council. al-Bilawi was also detained but in the American military detention center called Camp Bucca. Later killed in al-Khalidiya, Anbar. Haji Bakr was a farmer officer of the Saddam’s army. His purpose was developing strategies and handling the weapons. Bakr was at one point known as the strongest ISIS commander in Syria. Abu- Fatima al-Jahesishi was a leader that took charge of the operations for ISIS but later moved to Kirkuk, not making much of an impact anymore. Each leader plays or played their own role for ISIS to make them capable of becoming a strong force against the different nations. (Exclusive: Top ISIS
Leaders Revealed). The Islamic State has a budget that numbered at around two-billion dollars. This can be very appealing to people outside of Iraq and Syria. In a report from CNN ISIS is capable of attracting young teenagers, “the group produces slick videos in which sexy bearded jihadists are paraded as potential husbands and burka-clad jihadi brides carry Kalashnikovs (ak-47s)while extolling the virtues of the utopian Caliphate and a "guaranteed ticket to paradise”” (How ISIS's $2B Budget Helps It Recruit Teenagers). For example, “Aqsa Mahmood, 19, left home for university one morning in November 2013 never to return. She travelled to Syria; last February she married a jihadi fighter, and since then she has become a notorious poster girl for ISIS” (How ISIS). “This is a prime example of someone who was given a comfortable life with a private education and freedom that any muslim give would envy”(How ISIS) but still was persuaded by the beliefs of ISIS. They are tricking young teens into thinking that this is an ideal way of living. Especially for the less fortunate who do not have much in the first place. ISIS’s budget is a crucial part of what the terrorist group has been made into today. The budget that ISIS has accumulated is very crucial to the existence of their rein of terror, without it they would not be capable of keeping a strong base. The goals that ISIS wants to achieve are straightforward and causing chaos all around the world. According to a report by BBC news, “ISIS is demanding that muslims swear their allegiance to Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badri al-Samarrai and move to territory that is control by them. They are also saying that jihadist terrorist group all over the world need to surrender to the authority of ISIS”. They are stronger and unlike any other terrorist group to arise, they are capable of manipulating the media by causing horrific acts of terror. Using the media is one of the best ways to show their tactics. With using the media they are capable of showing what they believe and persuade people all around the world to join them. The Islamic State is capable of using these resources because of how far they are willing to go. The gruesome attacks, beheadings, kidnappings, and torturing that they execute are causing chaos and terror throughout the world.
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Introduction According to the Oxford Dictionary, a leader is defined as “the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country” (Oxford Dictionaries, 2013). Though there is a definition for what a leader is, people still have different ideas about what a leader should be and how he or she should act. There has never been a concrete idea of what a leader is; the only thing we know is that this person is the one in charge of the unit. We look at characteristics of those people we see as leaders and use those attributes to compare other people to see if they are able to be as good as, or even better than, those aforementioned leaders. We have to keep in mind that in different situations, leaders must do different tasks which indicates the need for different qualities.
Sunni’s comprise the modern Ba’ath party in Iraq, which came to power in the 1960’s after Arabs losing the six day war to Israel. The Ba’ath Party is a highly centralized, authoritarian, socialist reform party with strong communist ties opposing imperialism and colonialism. During Saddam’s rule, Ba’athists received preferential treatment. Fallujah, with cities like Tikrit (Saddam’s home town), formed the power base for the Ba’ath party.
The most infamous leader of the Al Qaeda is Osama bin Laden of Saudi Arabia. Osama Bin Laden did not derive his theories, practices, or views because he was educated or raised through the teachings of Islamic seminaries, though his principal inspiration appears to be based upon far-reaching religious sentiment. His higher education was actually the study of engineering at a prominent university in Saudi Arabia (Schweitzer and Shay, 2003). Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, a Palestinian, was a highly regarded mentor and the primary source of persuasion for Bin Laden’s ideology and fundamental vision. Azzam was the main architect behind jihad views and is credited as the founder of Al Qaeda. Osama Bin Laden also shaped his outlook from the works and actions of zealous Islamic philosophers from all over the middle-eastern region of the world that opposed Soviet occupation (...
This group was created in 1978 and continues to expand its power today. It began as a branch of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood. This terrorist group has several goals ranging from creating a Islamic state to continuing the armed struggle against Israeli occupation of Palestine territories. Their acts of terrorism to date have included suicide bomb attacks against Israeli civilians to attacks on suspected Palestinian collaborators.
Al Qaeda is leading by Osama bin laden that was born and grown up in Saudi Arabia; his family was very rich and respected by Saudi Royal household and the public. When he finished his University in Saudi Arabia, he becomes an extreme religious person. Osama started to help Islamist movement against communist in Yemen (Gunaratna, 2005) . In December 1997 when Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan he went to Pakistan and then Afghanistan to help Afghan group to protect it from Soviet Union. At the time a Palestinian Jordanian, Dr Abdullah Azzam esta...
Attention: According to an article by The New Yorker entitled Did George W. Bush Create ISIS written by Dexter Filkins on May 15th, states that after the overthrow of Saddam, the Iraq army was disbanded by the US which left over two hundred thousand people humiliated and without a job (Filkins). These angry young men decided to take up arms against the United States to get revenge. This is what caused start of the Iraqi insurgency; all this could have been avoided if the United States stayed out of Iraqi Politics (Filkins).
Al Qaeda's loss of popularity and power is partially the fault of Zawahiri. Praised Al Qaeda member and ISIS critic Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi said, “From the beginning of his appointment, he lacked direct military and operational control (Malik).” Zawahiri tried to be the leader of a large terrorist organization like Al Qaeda from the isolation of mountains in Afghanistan, but the center of their jihad activity was in Syria and Iraq. Lack of leadership has caused the organizational structure of Al Qaeda to collapse, causing Al Qaeda to run solely off of allegiance. However, Al Qaeda is losing that allegiance. With ISIS gaining more and more power everyday, the once loyal donors of Al Qaeda are now focusing their donations to ISIS, who uses this money to buy the loyalty of many countries and Islamic groups. The gradual death of veteran members is causing a significant downgrade in the actions of Al Qaeda, and more youth pledge their allegiance to Al Qaeda everyday. ISIS is winning these young recruits because the youth wants action, blood, and explosions. They have been waiting on their chance with Al Qaeda, and Zawahiri has done nothing to reassure youth of Al Qaeda’s future
Through recent years the uprising of the radical Islamic terrorist group, ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, has been gaining worldwide concern and attention. According to “ISIS Fun Facts” an article on CNN, ISIS has been creating an Islamic State across Iraq, Syria, and the entire world. They are applying Sharia law, the body of Islamic law, because they want to establish a society that goes along the lines of the region's ancient past. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State, has gained authority over many of the world's muslims(Laub,2016). The total number of people fighting for ISIS is uncertain, but it is said to be between 20,000 to 31,500(Windrem,2016). Laub also stated that the extremist group has
Their branches consist of the Iraqi Army, Navy, Air Force, Iraqi Air Defense, and Iraqi Special Forces. A few wars they have been a part of are World War 1, 3 Persian Gulf Wars (Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom), and a Civil War (currently with ISIS). On 16 January 1991 the Gulf War started with thousands of bombing raids in an effort to evict Saddam Hussein and his Iraqi forces from Kuwait. On 23 February 1991 the ground war started; it ended in a US and multi-national forces victory after 100 hours fighting by ground forces. On September 11, 2001, militant Islamic terrorists hijacked commercial airliners and flew them into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon, killing nearly 3,000 people (history.com). The U.S. automatically stepped up investigations into Iraq’s possible connection to the terrorist organization, Al-Qaeda, who were responsible for the attacks. In 2003, President George W. Bush declared war on Iraq and initiated Operation Iraqi Freedom. In 2003 Saddam Hussein was captured and was hanged in 2006. His death marked a milestone in U.S. history and in 2011, all troops were brought home ending the War in Iraq. Currently there is a Civil War going on in the country of Iraq with a group known as
On December 13, 2003, Saddam Hussein al-Majid was found hiding in a deep “spider hole” only nine miles away from his birthplace of Tikrit (Rise and Fall of a Dictator). Saddam Hussein is noted as one of the world’s worst dictators. He is often compared to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin because of the brutal policies and actions he took during his time in power. Saddam Hussein was executed on December 30, 2006. He was sentenced to death shortly after the death penalty was reinstated in Iraq.
Boko Haram has a very strong history. The founder of Boko Haram was Mohammed Yusuf. He founded it in 2002. The center of Boko Haram is in Maiduguri. Boko Haram is not only one group. It includes many factions. They split up and focus on certain topics such as; domestic or international sides of things. The major faction is Ansaru. For major attacks, all factions come together. Boko Haram was first noticed in 2003. They got into an argument with the police about fishing rights. This argument ended with a shooting and mostly 70 members died during this. In 2009, their leader, Mohammed Yusuf died by being killed. After he died, 100 members of the Boko Haram spread out to other places (Zenn). In 2010, Boko Haram got a new leader, Abubakar Shekau (“Boko Haram Fast Facts”). This new leadership led to more and more problems.
Al-Shabaab also known as the “Youth” or Hirakata al Shabaab al mujahidin "movement of striving youth" are a terrorist group in Somalia who have a link with Al-Qaeda since 2012. According to CNN journalist Holly Yan “In February 2012, the group's leader, Ahmed Abdi Godane, and al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri released a video announcing the alliance of the two organizations”. (CNN Yan) There are many factors that attribute to their start. Apparently, Somalia was in chaos in the past 25 years, people were in between clan war and world-lard. how did they originate and how did they manage to become powerful and control almost half of Somalia? According to article “Al-Shabaab” written by Jonathon Masters and published on Council on Foreign Relations, this group was originated from Al-Etihad Al-Islamic that was established by Somali Extremists who were educated in the middle east. Also, this group was
ISIS used the opportunity and entered the chaos with a goal to build and spread the Islamic state. Today the international committee and other nations around the world argue whether or not President Bashar-Assad of Syria ought to step down