I Have A Dream Ethos Pathos Logos

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E. Alexandria Echavarria-Mariscal Professor Ryan Sarehkhani English 100 April 1, 2015 In Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s famous speech “I Have a Dream” given on August 28, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Dr. King stated “This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Meaning there shall be equality between one another. Dr. King grew up around pastors in a Baptist Church, so when giving his speeches he would tend to sound like a preacher. He was known as a well-educated person who graduated from Boston University where he obtained his Doctorate degree. He was also a hard worker for civil rights for members of his race. Because of his strong work ethics and having knowledge of civil rights, it made him …show more content…

King puts a lot of emotion in his speech to grab the audience’s attention and having emotion for the way African American were being treated. For example, “I have a dream…” the audience can feel the power when King constantly repeated these same words and it shows how determined he was to see the day that equality would come. Another phrase that he used repetitively that had a lot of meaning was the phrase, “Let freedom ring…” this lets the audience know that one day freedom will come and the end to segregation will be presented. Thus, these two phrases were given with so much intense and raw emotion that even the audience felt what King was feeling and proved that his passion for equal rights was coming straight from the heart. As a result, I thought that having pathos in his speech was a great idea and it made his famous speech more compassionate and raw rather than someone just standing up and speaking with no emotion at

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