I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak had me sitting on the edge of me seat and anticipating every scene. Many of Zusak’s books detail characters living beyond limitations set upon them by themselves or by others, and I am the Messenger is no different. In The Book Thief, a foster girl breaks the law of Nazi Germany so that she can continue her passion of reading, and in Underdog, two brothers are seen as dirty boys on the same level of dogs until they are given the chance to show their value and change this view. In I am the Messenger a major theme is that everyone can achieve more than they or other, think they are capable of. The book opens on an exciting note with a failing bank robbery, the unlikely hero, is the main character Ed Kennedy. Despite being a normal, boring taxi driver, Ed receives the Ace of Diamonds in the mail and is sent on a mission that changes the
A properly written ending should leave the reader feeling a sense of closure or completeness, but I am the Messenger did not have that. Instead, the book ended in a way that leaves readers feeling dissatisfied and cheated. Personally, I had to read the scene where Ed finds out who the messenger is multiple times to understand it, and when I did, I wished I hadn’t. Zusak’s choice of ending feels cheap and rushed, like he didn’t know how to end the book so he chose to take the easy path. While the ending did not ruin the whole book for me, it seriously reduced my opinion of it and took some enjoyment out of it.
I am the Messenger tells us that everyone can live beyond what they are capable of. Despite the bad ending, I would recommend this book to anyone, and infact, I already have, one of my friends is reading the book because of my recommendation. This book is good for all ages and would inspire readers to think. Overall, I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak was a touching and inspirational novel that will stick with me for a long
The book that I chose to do is Street Pharm by Allison van Diepen, the book has 297 pages, the reason I chose this book is personally I am tired novels taking place years before I am born. This novel pertains to urban problems and one kids' attempt to survive in the pressures of present day Brooklyn. Within the novel, there are several subplots, one being his love interest, Alyse, and Ty's fight to stay in school. As well as, his fight not to lose money or control of his territory. It is interesting to watch this young man, balance these things in his life and not let them interfere with each other.
The ending of this book was a cliffhanger. In my opinion that is the worse kind of ending, but that’s how that writing persuades the reader to get the next book in the series. Without giving too much away about the end of the story, it was very unexpected. To be
This book was brilliant. There were moments that made me laugh, moments that made me tremble in my chair, moments that made me cry, moments that melted my heart, and moments that made me want to rip my hair out at the roots. This book has it all, and it delivers it through a cold but much needed message.
I did not like the ending of the story. I found that the ending was very predictable and anticlimactic, especially when all the tension was being built up throughout the rest of the book. When I was nearing the end of the book I was already starting to envision the ending of the book and when I got to the end I was disappointed to see that I was correct. I would have preferred if the ending was more of a cliff-hanger and ended completely different than anyone would have expected.
I think that the messages this book displays are important for anyone to think about, and apply to their lives every day.
The ending of the novel was inspiring. The author suggests the reader to look into great novels, and even supplies a list of novels a personally suggests. He ended with a very ...
A huge part of this book was that Zusak used deus ex machina to reveal a big aspect of the story so that instead of answering the novels big question according to the rules of its world, Zusak cleverly brought in an all-powerful outside force. Rather than making the answer to the novels question, Zusak creates a twist by placing himself in the book as a character and using himself as the central plot device. Zusak revealed himself as the solution to the mystery of just who was putting Ed up to all this. At this point in the book Ed realizes that “I am not the messenger, I am the
In I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak, the main character Ed is a nineteen-year-old cab driver in Australia who has never amounted to anything. One day, while with his three best friends, an event occurs that forever changes his life. While in a bank, they are held up at gunpoint. Ed ends up stopping the criminal and saving the day. Days later, as the bank robber’s trial is ending, he tells Ed that he is “a dead man… [And to] [r]emember it every day when [he] look[s] in the mirror” (Zusak 38). This overlooked statement by the reader comes back in the end of the novel to reveal an important message that “everyone can live beyond what they’re capable of” (535). Before attending the trial though, Ed begins to receive playing cards with addresses, names, times, and movie titles on them that require him to complete tasks, which challenge him in more ways than he could ever imagine. In the short story “Good People” by David Foster Wallace, the two characters, Lane and Sheri, are faced with a situation that changes their lives as well; Sheri is pregnant with Lane’s baby. Even though Lane’s and Sheri’s situation is a little different than that of Ed’s, they relate greatly as all the characters are forced to make decisions that can alter the rest of their lives. In the novel, morality is used to accomplish self-discovery and growth of Ed’s personality by pushing his boundaries, and in the short story “Good People” by David Foster Wallace, morality is used to accomplish growth and the realization of consequences of one’s actions by placing the young couple in a faith questioning situation no adolescent wants to face.
I really enjoyed this book because it was not a story about the middle of the Second World War. Instead it was right before, when things were not as bad, but they were bad enough. It helped me understand how people lived before the hatred grew and how families were torn apart right from the beginning. Likewise, it gave me hope to see that not everything was destroyed and that some people were able to escape. I would recommend this book more for boys but for girls as well, between the ages of 13-15. Even though Karl’s age throughout the book is 14-17, the novel was written more for my age group. Once again this was an amazing book that I could not put down, and I am sure many others were not able to either.
A major theme in Markus Zusak’s novel I am The Messenger is personal growth. At the beginning of the novel, Ed Kennedy does not seem like your everyday character in a novel. He does not seem like the person to amount to anything. Ed is a nineteen-year-old cab driver (underage) who loves playing cards with his three best friends, Marv, Ritchie, and Audrey, whom he has been hopelessly in love with for a long time, with little success. Because of the place, Ed is currently in, he feels that his life does not mean anything.
In “The Fish” by Elizabeth Bishop, the narrator attempts to understand the relationship between humans and nature and finds herself concluding that they are intertwined due to humans’ underlying need to take away from nature, whether through the act of poetic imagination or through the exploitation and contamination of nature. Bishop’s view of nature changes from one where it is an unknown, mysterious, and fearful presence that is antagonistic, to one that characterizes nature as being resilient when faced against harm and often victimized by people. Mary Oliver’s poem also titled “The Fish” offers a response to Bishop’s idea that people are harming nature, by providing another reason as to why people are harming nature, which is due to how people are unable to view nature as something that exists and goes beyond the purpose of serving human needs and offers a different interpretation of the relationship between man and nature. Oliver believes that nature serves as subsidence for humans, both physically and spiritually. Unlike Bishop who finds peace through understanding her role in nature’s plight and acceptance at the merging between the natural and human worlds, Oliver finds that through the literal act of consuming nature can she obtain a form of empowerment that allows her to become one with nature.
book I was greatly troubled by its ending. I can see why it is an excellent novel, but at
Communication competence is the ability to achieve ones goals in manner that is personally acceptable and, ideally acceptable to others. (Adler, 2013) Communication competence is the ability to choose a communication behavior that is both appropriate and effective for a given situation. Interpersonal competency permits one to accomplish their communication goals without initiating the other party to lose face. In order to communicate properly and ideally you must first learn what the best way to address any situation and how it will be most accepted. Are you a competent communicator?
My aspiration toward a better education starts all the way back to when I started school in Russia. Out of the short educational experience that I had in Russia, I remember that almost everybody wanted to be the straight-A student (or straight-"5" by Russian grading). That, combined with the constant pressure from my family helped me get excited about school and made me want to learn. My education in Russia was cut short, however, when we moved to the United States.
Every individual has a unique and heartfelt story about their life. No two are the same, we all walk our own paths in life. Over the entirety of my writing, I will let you see me and the circumstances that have made me who I am. In life, certain properties can impact us in ways we cannot foresee. In my autobiography, I plan on talking about who I am as a person and all the certified facts of my birth. I will introduce you to the people in my life who have had the most impact. Through my story I will introduce you to the events that make me who I am, Tristen Parker.