I Am Malala Study Guide

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I am Malala For the past month I have been reading the book I Am Malala, by Malala Yousafzai. It starts off with, meeting the girl who is just like any other girl. Malala is from Mingora, Pakistan the largest city in the valley. She loves to go to school and loves to learn. She is not a girly girl, but she did admit she spends a lot of time looking in the mirror playing with her hair. Her Mother, Toor Pekai, and her Father, Ziauddin are very important people in her life. Her father owns the school she goes to, Khushal. Where Malala lives it is forbidden for girls to get an education, women are supposed to be the ones who cook and clean. But Malala thought differently. At home things for ruff for Malala. The school was her father’s passion. All the money that was made, went to the school. They ate little and when they did they shared with everyone. One of the biggest parts of the Pashtunwali code is hospitality. When the women went out in public there was a code called purdah, which means they have to cover themselves up in public. Such as covering their face up. They could not meet or speak to men who were not their …show more content…

They did not like the fact he was still running the school but soon enough it got shut down and no one was allowed to attend. The Taliban bombed 200 schools. Malala stopped going to school but that didn’t stop her from learning. Her father would give her DVD’s to watch, even though they weren’t allowed to have televisions, they hid theirs in their closet. In 2009 the schools reopened but Malala’s father wanted to leave because it was too dangerous to be living there. Malala and her family, friends, relatives and anyone else they could bring left Pakistan. 3 months later they came back to their village, and everything was destroyed, their house was blown apart. Their beautiful gardens were gone. The good news was the Taliban cleared out and the area was

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