I Am A First-Generation Immigrant

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I am a first-generation immigrant. I believe that someone’s character can be determined by their reaction to a challenge. Knowledge alone cannot guarantee success over an obstacle, neither can wealth. Only personal characteristics can determine the amount of success one will have when facing an obstacle. I learned this the hard way. My parents left me for America when I was only two years old. I lived with my grandparents on a small farm for the next 4 years. My contact with my parents were limited to telephone calls as technology still wasn’t very developed. One day, I got a call from my parents, telling me that I can finally reunite with them. I was deathly scared of going to America: I did not know what my parents looked like, did not speak any …show more content…

I did not know what the future would bring me, but as I would come to learn, I can work towards making the future brighter for me. Although I overcame my language barrier pretty quickly, the cultural barrier was still a big roadblock to me integration with America. I struggled a lot with my self identity as my school life was very different from my home life. Later, I came to realize that my personal background should be cherished not shunned. Although it might not seem like it, many other students are also going through similar situations as I am. Even though my story might not be the most sensational, I am happy to tell it if it means that even one student will be motivated by it. Diversity and individual contributions should be cherished collectively. A better world does not start with what you know, but how you face every obstacle. A can do attitude can make all the difference in the world. Competitions are not won with doubt, but with humility and drive. The work ethic that I developed as a water polo could definitely contribute to life at Rice as I know many ambitious and curious students will be juggling multiple studies and

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