Hurricane Katrina In New Orleans

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A natural disaster occurs when an extreme geological factor takes over a community, which lacks of ability to handle the event. Hurricane Katrina hit the southern coast of the United States on August 28, 2005. The devastating effect of this hurricane resulted in more than 1,800 dead citizens, as well as more than an estimated 81$ billion dollars in damages occurred. A few days later the 80% of the city was submerged under water because the storm swell broke the city’s levees at numerous points, the circumstances were a massive flood contributed by the Gulf Coast, the Mississippi River, and other surrounding bodies of water. Winds of Hurricane Katrina reached an astounding category 3 as it passed through downtown New Orleans; however, it felt …show more content…

Almost 9 years ago an enormous hurricane smacked New Orleans that cause the outbreak of a massive flood. New Orleans was considered one of the most vibrant and poorest cities in America. The city of New Orleans as a whole had a very poor infrastructure that led them to a very catastrophic ending. Many people died during the event because no one took seriously the simulations that took place years before the happening, which had an organized system in which everyone knew what they needed to do in case of an emergency. The US government took responsibility over the catastrophe very fast and started a campaign to create awareness and to raise funds because the estimated amount of money needed to overcome the emergency was calculated at 81 billion dollars. The majority of the population was evacuated because the drowning was taking over the whole city in a very drastic way because the main levees in charged of keeping the water out of the city were completely devastated. New Orleans was not the only city that was taken over by Katrina; other states such as Arkansas & Kentucky that were situated in the route in which the storm went through were also affected by this natural disaster. Many organizations guided by celebrities and important companies contributed with the restoration of the city and its citizens, the US government …show more content…

Among those banished by the storm, many lost their homes, material possessions, and jobs, Some had insurance to replace their material properly losses, received help from FEMA or Small Business loans to get by on an emergency basis or replace property, received unemployment insurance or disaster unemployment insurance to substitute lost wages. Though, some who lived in the areas most impacted by the storm may now be destitute; while having financially gotten by before the storm, in the storm’s aftermath they may have joined the ranks of the poor. The socio-economic profile of the areas affected by Katrina indicates that these newly poor would join a population that was already disproportionately poor and disadvantaged. Before the storm, the 700,000 people deeply affected by Katrina were more likely than Americans overall to be poor; minority (most often African American); less likely to be connected to the workforce; and more likely to be educationally disadvantaged. Both those who were poor before storm, and those who have become poor following the storm, are likely to face a predominantly difficult time in re-establishing their lives, having few if any financial resources to depend

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