Hurricane Descriptive Writing

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It was a day just like any other except the air felt moist, really humid in fact I just stayed inside it was so hot. Little did the people and I know that in just a few hours everyone would be evacuating the city. Despite this weird weather my brother and I still proceeded to do what we were determined to do, we were wanting to build a tree house not a very good one it would turn out to be either after today. We were merely up the tree when we received an alert saying that in about half an hour, the worlds largest hurricane would hit our area. My very first thought was "oh we're all gonna die" but then I thought were gonna have to evacuate and leave our area completely. We have to go with our family my brother said, but I couldn't necessarily …show more content…

We began to load everything in the trucks since my brother would be evacuating with my mom and multitalented brother and, I would go with my dad. I still hadn't packed all my stuff in my suitcase and, we were about to leave so I just grabbed what little clothes I had, put it in my suitcase and ran out of the house. We assured we were all set and started our way down the road to wherever we could get before the hurricane hit. We drove for hours it seemed almost, though it had only been several minutes we weren't to far out and it just began to pour like it had never before. So now we all had to also worry about the driving conditions which was horrible since we were already worried about evacuating from our area from the worlds largest hurricane. A lot of horrendous thoughts began to race through my mind, like when would I see my house again or when would I see all of my family again. Besides all the terrible thoughts I was having I felt the need to stay strong not only for myself but for my family. We drove for about ten hours to one of my aunts house which had agreed to let us stay for a few days, while the weather

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