Hungry Children

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Hungry Children Some of the most preventable diseases known to humans is hate and gender differences along with emotional distress which continues to breed hunger and infect humankind. There will be a time when we will have to have a respect for all humans and provide equal access to food and the resources by which to be able to obtain nourishment or hunger will continue to be a problem. Like history dictates, it usually will require a disaster before we consider a transformation, which is a concept that each person is going to have to realize to end hunger. To give an example of how much U.S citizens do not spend on aid for the hungry children; consider this in 1991 we spent three times as much tobacco products as we did on aid. For hunger to be eradicated it will take all of us together with a genuine concern to fight this disease and free future generations of this atrocity. In the U.S. African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans and other racial and ethnic minorities control fewer resources and have less access to food than the white majority. In America, hunger is a ...

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