Humorous Wedding Speech

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ROBERT SIEGEL, HOST: The annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner was held in New York City on yesterday night, the day after final debate. Many influential people and both U.S. presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton attended to raise money for Catholic children. So it’s also recognized as the final stop for Trump and Clinton before the election. And today we begin with our reporters - Sarah McCammon covers the Trump campaign Tamara Keith covers the Clinton campaign. Welcome to join us today. SARAH MCCAMMON, BYLINE: Hi, I’m also glad to be here. TAMARA KEITH, BYLINE: Hi there. SIEGEL: Trump and Clinton both gave speeches in yesterday’s dinner. Their speeches also cause great repercussions. Let’s start with …show more content…

It is true. In fact, many people tell me that modesty is perhaps my best quality — even better than my temperament. MCCAMMON: The most successful joke he said in this speech, which scored laughter for longer time and was got some agreement from participants, is the joke about the media. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) DONALD TRUMP: You know, the president told me to stop whining, but I really have to say, the media is even more biased this year than ever before. You want the proof? Michelle Obama gives a speech, and everyone loves it. It's fantastic. They think she is absolutely great. My wife, Melania, gives the exact same speech and people get on her case. And I don't get — and I don't get it. I don't know why. (LAUGHING) SIEGEL: Oh, I think so. This is funnest joke he made yesterday. It’s better than any other jokes he said in debate.What do you see as the biggest blunder he made yesterday? MCCAMMON: After the joke he used his wife as expense, the things he said was inappropriate. Because some of his jabs are too harsh and antagonistic.He got loud boos when he poke how corrupt Clinton is. Many people think it’s not like joke any more. And the most antic response I saw is saying people always don’t know if Trump is joking or …show more content…

That's okay. I don't know who they are angry at. Here she is tonight in public, pretending not to hate Catholics. (BOOS) SIEGEL: I’m really curious how Clinton react at that moment. Laugh? Or just keep her professional smile. KEITH: That is my most impressive moment. She pretended to be deaf, which is everyone’s right to do that. And she also talked with Cardinal Dolan. It seems she just ignored Trump at that time. SIEGEL: That’s smart behavior. If I was her, I will also do that. So how did Clinton ironically response? KEITH: Although Clinton made a more traditional speech than Trump’s. But the atmosphere of this year’s dinner is more embarrassing. In Clinton’s turn, she mocked the healthy problem of Trump and also received boos. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED

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