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If we acquire to appreciate the talents of others, then we will be able to applaud other people for who they truly are. Many times, in order to improve ourselves, we tend to compare ourselves with others. This is an act of selfishness because we are striving to be better than someone else. Learning how to apologize and say thank you is another way we could be more humble. When someone does something for us, it is important to have good manners and say thank you. Apologizing after we’ve made a mistake shows that we respect the other person’s feelings. The last important act of learning humbleness is learning how to listen to our peers, more than we talk. I love a person that will sit down and listen to how I feel without judging me. Having someone that cares about how I feel is an amazing sensitivity. It is still essential that we contribute to the conversation but listening shows that we are concerned about the feelings of that person. “It’s hard to be humble, especially in a world that pushes “branding yourself”, competition, and fame. A world where legitimately changing your mind i...

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