Humans are naturally evil and violent minded

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Every human is born with the potential to be inherently evil. Whether they choose this path or not depends on the influences of the outside world. We can see an example of how this is true from the book, Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Although all of the boys in the novel start out as innocent choirboys, they show their true form of evil when they are put in a dire situation. The boys no longer become friends to one another, instead they try to kill animals and even each other for the pure enjoyment of it. Humans are born evil and have the intent of doing violent and harmful things as evident by; the world’s history, violence as a source of entertainment, constant wars, and bullies, both cyber and physical.
Throughout our world’s history there have been instances of where violence was used as a common interaction. Hunter-gathers are a prime example (Grant). We perceive hunter-gathers to be friendly non-violent people who pick berries, hang by fires, and have no concept of jealousy or property (Grant). The side that we do not know is a very gruesome one that shows the true colors of the pre-historic hunter-gatherer. It is a lifestyle of bloodshed and violence as a way of showing power and territorial dominance (Grant). For example, hunter-gatherers showed their evil nature in an incidence where two fishermen accidentally drifted into an island of Sentilese people and were killed instantly as an attempt to show territorial dominance (Grant). There has also been evidence that states great thinkers believed humans are evil (Grant). Sigmund Freud, born in 1856, was a Czech neurologist who proclaimed in 1930, that man is one of the worst types of animal (Grant). He wrote in his book Civilizations and its Discontents, “ Men are ...

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...rward, broke the ring, and fell over the steep edge of the rock to the sand by the water. At once the crowed surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt on to the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore. There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws (Golding 153).
This shows how every boy in the stranded on the island is naturally evil because they did not hesitate one bit to kill a human being and they did it brutally, gruesomely, and painfully.
Being born a human, one has the potential to be inherently evil and has the intent of doing violent things. This is because throughout the world’s history, there has been an abundance of violence from hunter-gatherers Additionally, in the current world today, there are constant wars fought with mass deaths and much hatred, and bullies that inflict pain and cruelty because of their own innate evil.

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