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Human nature evil
Humans are evil by nature
Humans are evil by nature
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Every human is born with the potential to be inherently evil. Whether they choose this path or not depends on the influences of the outside world. We can see an example of how this is true from the book, Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Although all of the boys in the novel start out as innocent choirboys, they show their true form of evil when they are put in a dire situation. The boys no longer become friends to one another, instead they try to kill animals and even each other for the pure enjoyment of it. Humans are born evil and have the intent of doing violent and harmful things as evident by; the world’s history, violence as a source of entertainment, constant wars, and bullies, both cyber and physical.
Throughout our world’s history there have been instances of where violence was used as a common interaction. Hunter-gathers are a prime example (Grant). We perceive hunter-gathers to be friendly non-violent people who pick berries, hang by fires, and have no concept of jealousy or property (Grant). The side that we do not know is a very gruesome one that shows the true colors of the pre-historic hunter-gatherer. It is a lifestyle of bloodshed and violence as a way of showing power and territorial dominance (Grant). For example, hunter-gatherers showed their evil nature in an incidence where two fishermen accidentally drifted into an island of Sentilese people and were killed instantly as an attempt to show territorial dominance (Grant). There has also been evidence that states great thinkers believed humans are evil (Grant). Sigmund Freud, born in 1856, was a Czech neurologist who proclaimed in 1930, that man is one of the worst types of animal (Grant). He wrote in his book Civilizations and its Discontents, “ Men are ...
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...rward, broke the ring, and fell over the steep edge of the rock to the sand by the water. At once the crowed surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt on to the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore. There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws (Golding 153).
This shows how every boy in the stranded on the island is naturally evil because they did not hesitate one bit to kill a human being and they did it brutally, gruesomely, and painfully.
Being born a human, one has the potential to be inherently evil and has the intent of doing violent things. This is because throughout the world’s history, there has been an abundance of violence from hunter-gatherers Additionally, in the current world today, there are constant wars fought with mass deaths and much hatred, and bullies that inflict pain and cruelty because of their own innate evil.
Mankind is innately evil. The allegorical novel, The Lord of the Flies, allows for little interpretation about human nature. William Golding depicts the idea, “evil is an inborn trait of man” (Golding). Throughout the novel the children who have crash landed on the island begin to uncover their savage nature. Although all of the children somehow succumb to a heinous behaviour, Jack, Ralph, and Roger become most noticeably corrupt. Ultimately, it becomes clear that malicious intent is intrinsic in mankind.
The lines that define good and evil are not written in black and white; these lines tend to blur into many shades of grey allowing good and evil to intermingle with each another in a single human being. Man is not inherently good or evil but they are born innocent without any values or sense of morality until people impart their philosophies of life to them. In the words of John Locke:
Through the progression of William Golding's Lord of the Flies and the article, “Are Humans Good or Evil” by Clancy Martin and Alan Strudler, a multitude of undeniable evidence is provided to prove that humans are in fact inherently wicked. In Lord of the Flies, a human being’s savage nature and primal instincts are effectively portrayed through the development of Jack, the lead hunter in a group that gets meat for the boys. Little Jack Merridew, who seems to be nothing but a naive and obnoxious chorister, becomes one of the most malicious and violent boys on the island. Jack's wilder side shows itself the most when he goes hunting. Making one his first kills brought such exhilaration, satisfaction, and pure bloodlust, that it drove him to insane limits,
People are not just born evil. There are certain factors that contribute to this type of outcome in a person. There is a usually history of abuse or neglect. They felt unloved, or even unworthy of love. There is also the possibility of there being a chemical imbalance, causing abnormal brain functions, thus, making someone incapable of certain human emotions such as empathy, compassion, or pity. Other things that can cause someone to ‘snap’ could be sexual inadequacy, maternal smothering, paternal abuse, and narcissistic borderline personality disorder (a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy).
“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” (Eleanor Roosevelt). This is just one of the infinite examples of how human nature has been explored by so many different people. Each and every human is born with the capability of making their own choices. The decisions that they will make in the future will determine how evil they are viewed by others. Although one’s nature and nurture do affect their life, it is their own free will that determines whether or not they are evil.
All humans are capable for evil just as all humans are capable of good. The capacity for evil does not make a person bad just as the capacity for good does not necessarily make a person good. We all are capable of evil but that does not mean we do evil things. It would be ludicrous to assume that there is a person who is not capable of evil because we are capable of evil through just by existing. Anyone could pull the trigger of a gun and kill someone but not many people would. It is going against inclinations and choosing to not use that capacity for evil that determines whether we are good or
If you had to choose between whether humans are born inherently good or inherently evil, which one would you choose? Although there is no clear-cut distinction between what is good or what is evil, most people would pick a side either it being humans are good or humans are evil; however, the answer I would give is that humans are neither inherently good or evil. Humans are just humans, they are malleable beings that adapt to the situations around them and in doing so they can be shaped into either what is considered good or evil. Whether humans are inherently moral or immoral has been a long-standing debate since the time of Plato.
Is it even possible to be inherently good or evil at the beginning? Humans are neither of these as they are originally pure nothingness. Unfortunately, the actions of others alters us towards a side, either righteous or wicked. In the short story “The Half Husky” by Margaret Laurence, Harvey, Vanessa, and Nunuk are driven towards one side or the other because of the experiences they have to go through. In the Lorien Legacies by Pittacus Lore, Five is just a reckless teenager and all he wants to do is survive which causes him to make some one sided decisions.
Freud believes that aggression is a primal instinct, and civilization thwarts this instinct, making man unhappy. Civilized society controls man's tendency toward aggression through rules and laws and the presence of authority. These mechanisms are put in place to guarantee safety and happiness for all individuals in a society. However, the necessity of suppressing the aggressive drive in m...
If we were observing beings on another planet behaving like our own species, we would very likely call them monsters. We humans are capable of immense love and sensitivity but we have been also capable of greed, hatred, war, murder and brutality. What is it that causes this ‘evil’ side of humans? “THE LORD OF THE FLIES” written in 1954 by William Golding illustrates the darker side of human nature. A plane carrying a group of British schoolboys is shot down over a deserted tropical island.
As aggressive behaviors are not characteristic of all human populations, Ferguson uses this to prove the point that humans are not aggressive by nature. Ferguson also points out the lack of evidence for major violent conflicts in early human history. According to Ferguson, if humans were naturally violent, there would be evidence of humans starting wars before they were technically “human” (Ferguson 1: 34). To contrast this, Ehrenreich’s view is that humans may be naturally aggressive, but that it is really irrelevant whether they are or not because human aggression is not the cause of war (Ehrenreich 1: 2). While Ehrenreich does believe that it is possible that humans are aggressive creatures, this author does not believe that this is the case. This author supports this belief by pointing out the rituals that humans practice before going to war and discusses development is weapons that contradict the idea that humans are naturally aggressive. Ehrenreich discusses the rituals that humans perform before they engage in violent
Are human beings born to be good? Or are we naturally born to be evil? A person’s nature or essence is a trait that is inherent and lasting in an individual. To be a good person is someone who thinks of others before themselves, shows kindness to one another, and makes good choices in life that can lead to a path of becoming a good moral person. To be a bad person rebels against something or someone thinking only of them and not caring about the consequences of their actions. Rousseau assumed, “that man is good by nature (as it is bequeathed to him), but good in a negative way: that is, he is not evil of his own accord and on purpose, but only in danger of being contaminated and corrupted by evil or inept guides and examples (Immanuel Kant 123).” In other words, the human is exposed to the depraved society by incompetent guardians or influences that is not of one’s free will in the view of the fact that it is passed on. My position is humans are not by nature evil. Instead, they are good but influenced by the environment and societies to act in evil ways to either harm others or themself.
Are humans naturally good or evil? This is a question that has been frequently asked throughout humanity. Great philosophers, such as John Locke and Thomas Hobbes, have debated on whether humanity is naturally selfish, greedy, and cruel or whether we are naturally reasonable and moral. In my opinion, I believe humans were born naturally good but have turned evil due to the wicked nature of society. Therefore, I agree with the idea presented by Hobbes, that humanity is evil.
Many wonder if we are born good or born bad. I personally believe that we are born with greed and evil but we are held back by morals provided by society. Society as whole has certain laws or restrictions that stops us from doing things that inflict us from harming others. The restrictions and laws are created through the morals that the society holds. I believe that we as humans are born with the mindset of survival just like other animals.
What makes someone evil? Are we born evil, or does our environment shape us? The official definition of evil is someone or something that is “profoundly immoral and malevolent”. People are not born particularly good or evil; they are still undecided, and most will stay that way until they die. However, someone could be more evil than good through the way they are raised and taught.