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Discrimination against the intellectual disabled in the us
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Introduction People with intellectual disabilities have faced discrimination, alienation and stigma for a very long time. History around the world is full of horrid episodes where the intellectual disabled have faced the worst treatments. Though some positive strides have been made in respect to their the rights, even today they face a myriad of challenges and are yet to fully access and exploit opportunities in the society. It is important to note that people with intellectual disability are also human, thus they are entitled to all human rights without any discrimination. They are the most marginalized people in the society and are excluded from social, cultural, educational and economic opportunities. (Nora, E., 2004). This paper looks into the issues of human rights for the intellectually disabled persons, the challenges that they face and how their human rights can be enhanced. Challenges Human rights are individual inherent entitlements or basic freedoms regardless of one’s country of origin, where one lives, his/her sex, color complexion, religious affiliation, language inclination, or any other known status. All human beings are equally entitled to human rights by birth without any discrimination. These rights are inter-related, inter-dependent and cannot be divided. (Cited in United Nations). At childhood the intellectually disabled are discriminated against by people and most people are not comfortable in talking to them. This makes them feel isolated as no one seems to understand them. They do not have access to mainstream services such as schooling and those that are lucky receive education at segregated and isolated classes and or schools.( Cited in Association of Self advocacy & Association of Promoting Inclusio... ... middle of paper ... ...11, from http://www.inclusion-europe.org/documents/HR-FinalReport-EN-web.pdf Nora, E., (2004). Adolescents and youth with disability: issues and challenges. Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal. Available at http://www.aifo.it/english/resources/online/apdrj/apdrj204/adolescent.pdf Stanley, S. (2003). The human rights of persons with intellectual disabilities: different but equal. Oxford University Press, USA. Orville, E. (2011). Challenges to the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities. Jessica Kingsley Publishers Stratford, B. (1991) Human rights and equal opportunities for people with mental handicap, with particular reference to Down syndrome. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education United Nations Human Rights. Available at http://www.ohchr.org/en/issues/Pages/WhatareHumanRights.aspx
Disability in our day in age is seen as being worse than death. People with disabilities should not feel like they don 't belong. They are just like everyone else and want to be treated like everyone else. Many without disabilities think that it can be contagious and stray to even look at people with disability. This is not the case for it 's not contagious and one should not be seen as a different person just because of their disability. They didn 't choose that life and shouldn 't be mistreated for what they are. “People with disability should be treated equally to everyone else.”
While acknowledging the diverse influences of capitalism, colonialism, urbanization, and industrialization on the perceptions and constructions of intellectual disability, this book also adds a new and significant dimension by including analysis of social and cultural notions of identity, personhood and selfhood.
This quote is exactly what I am going to describe to you. Everyone deserves to be treated the same way Just as we have had to accept people around the world that are different race. We also have to accept people who are suffering with mental disabilities. In this paper I’ll go over a few things that happened in the 20th century. These things made it, so people with disabilities can be able to work, get an education, and live on their own.
...abled is difficult to address. Society continues to hold on to ancient ideals, and the lack of support in the judicial system only reinforces the sentiment of inequality.
Intellectual disability (ID) and related terminology have evolved over time to reflect the legal and social gains made by individuals with such a disability and their families. ID is characterized by significant limitations in intellectual functioning (e.g., reasoning, learning, and problem solving); significant limitations in adaptive behavior (i.e., conceptual, social, and practical skills in everyday life); and onset in childhood (before the age of 18 years; American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Disabilities, 2017). Intellectual disability is a particular state of functioning that begins in childhood and is characterized by limitations in both intelligence and adaptive skills (Janet W. Lerner, 2015).
Healthcare professionals lack experience and education on how to work with hospitalized patients with intellectual disabilities (reference). Admittance into the hospital can put a lot of stress on individuals with ID as well as their caregivers, and the healthcare professionals involved. Balancing the needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities is a challenge for many professionals throughout the hospital due to multiple factors have produced years of social oppression, institutional discrimination, and attitudinal barriers. Communication is the key to maintaining a seamless flow between health care professionals and their special need patients. By advocating for a reform in training of health care professions, this would help with increasing the quality of services provided for those with intellectual
The World Health Organisation, WHO, (1980) defines disability in the medical model as a physical or mental impairment that restricts participation in an activity that a ‘normal’ human being would partake, due to a lack of ability to perform the task . Michigan Disability Rights Coalition (n.d.) states that the medical model emphasizes that there is a problem regarding the abilities of the individual. They argue that the condition of the disabled persons is solely ‘medical’ and as a result the focus is to cure and provide treatment to disabled people (Michigan Disability Rights Coalition, 2014). In the medical model, issues of disability are dealt with according to defined government structures and policies and are seen as a separate issue from ordinary communal concerns (Emmet, 2005: 69). According to Enabling Teachers and Trainers to Improve the Accessibility of Adult Education (2008) people with disabilities largely disa...
Children with disabilities are more in the public eye than years ago, although they are still treated differently. Our society treats them differently from lack of education on special needs. The society labels them and make their lives more difficult than it has to be becau...
The disabilities rights movement is the movement to make sure of equal opportunities and equal rights for people with different type on disabilities. The specific goals and demands of the movement are accessibility and safety in transportation, architecture, and the physical environment; equal opportunities in independent living, employment, education, and housing; and freedom from abuse, neglect, and violations of patients' rights. Nature of Oppression is unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power especially by the imposition of burdens. The social act of placing severe restrictions on an individual group or institution is typically a government or political organization that is in power places these restrictions formally or covertly
While these three authors have different reasons to write their essays, be it media unfairness, ignorance, or ethical disputes, they all share a basic principle: The disabled are not viewed by the public as “normal people,” and they are unfairly cast away from the public eye. The disabled have the same capacity to love, desire and hurt as any other human being, and deserve all of the rights and privileges that we can offer them. They should be able to enter the same buildings, have representation in the media, and certainly be allowed the right to live.
According to the World Health Organisation (2011), there are more than 1 billion people with disabilities in the world, with this number rising. Many of these people will be excluded from the regular situations we, ‘the ordinary’, experience in everyday life. One of these experiences is our right to education. Article 42 of the Irish Constitution states that the state shall provide for free primary education until the age of 18, but is this the right to the right education? Why should being born with a disability, something which is completely out of your control, automatically limit your chances of success and cut you off from the rest of society due to being deemed ‘weaker’ by people who have probably never met you? With approximately 15% of the world’s population having disabilities, how come society is unable to fully accept people with disabilities? In order to break this notion, we must begin with inclusion.
Valuing People (2001) states that "disabled people often feel excluded and unheard and want to be fully part of our society, rather than being marginalised and forgotten." (DoH, 2001) It is described by some as the practice of ensuring that people feel they belong, are engaged, and connected. It is a universal human right whose aim is to embrace all people, irrespective of race, gender, disability or other attribute which can be perceived as different Valuing People 2001 (DoH, 2001) states: “Choice: Like other people, people with learning disabilities want a real say in where they live, what work they should do and who looks after them. But for too many people with learning disabilities, these are currently unattainable goals.
Students with disabilities are far too frequently isolated and separated from the education system (Johnson). They are often provided a diluted, inferior education and denied meaningful opportunities to learn. There are many education rights for children with disabilities to protect them from discrimination, giving them a chance for equal opportunity to learn what other students are expected to learn.... ... middle of paper ... ...
Disability: Any person who has a mental or physical deterioration that initially limits one or more major everyday life activities. Millions of people all over the world, are faced with discrimination, the con of being unprotected by the law, and are not able to participate in the human rights everyone is meant to have. For hundreds of years, humans with disabilities are constantly referred to as different, retarded, or weird. They have been stripped of their basic human rights; born free and are equal in dignity and rights, have the right to life, shall not be a victim of torture or cruelty, right to own property, free in opinion and expression, freedom of taking part in government, right in general education, and right of employment opportunities. Once the 20th century
…rights which are inherent to the human being ... human rights acknowledges that every single human being is entitled to enjoy his or her human rights without distinction as to race, [color], sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. [To add on, human] rights are legally guaranteed by human rights law, protecting individuals and groups against actions that interfere with fundamental freedoms and human dignity (Human rights for