Human Corruption In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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The Corruption brought by Man Mankind as a whole has been able to achieve great things as a society, yet this knowledge and ability to adapt can be seen as a double edged sword. If a person now told someone back in the early 1900’s that humans have been able to make it to the moon and back, that person would be called crazy. Yet as a species this feat has been accomplished. However as a society many times we have taken more steps back being hypocrites, than steps forward being able to provide something good for everyone. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding the process of human corruption is shown through ignoring law and order. When law and a voice of reason is ignored, destroyed and forgotten through that ignorance leads to the nature …show more content…

For many people nowadays the concept of death is hard to think about. When we think of death many only picture darkness or complete stillness , yet this is the complete opposite as this is not what happens life doesn’t just stop it only stops for one person who dies but everyone else keeps moving and continues to be alive yet many are forgotten. Many however dispute that society doesn't have an impact on people who are individuals and it is one person who is at fault when things could have been done to stop it. The simplest piece of evidence would have to be suicide. Yes it was the person’s choice to end their life yet it was because of outside reasons that one most likely decided to end their lives. On the other hand it could have been something like debt or a bad marriage, in general it could be lots of things yet almost every single reason is caused by something society did. In the long run almost every society decides to forget about something or bury the truth. Even in Lord of the Flies this happens. It especially happens during Simons death (Golding 153) where they dress Simon up as a beast and eventually kill him during the whole ordeal. And even though many people want to have faith in humanity at times it cant even be helped. Ralph nearing the ending of the book fights his feelings and hopes that the rest of the boys in the makeshift society they made would accept him and he would accept that the death of Simon and Piggy were an accident. "No. They're not as bad as that. It was an accident."(Golding 184) however at times this could be further from the truth and Ralph does realize this and regrets his thinking. Many times sometimes humanity can be just as hypocritical as other humans we call villains or

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