How the new deal affected america

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In 1929 the Great Depression struck America. It lasted until World War Two in 1941. Although there had been depressions in the past, none lasted as long or were as severe as the Great Depression. In the 1920’s, a time period called the Roaring Twenties was in action. Everyone seemed to be doing great, taking loans out of the bank and borrowing money to buy the next latest product. Everyone had a job or career of some sort. Aside from most of the positive aspects of the economy in the 1920’s, farmers had a difficult time. Farmers also borrowed money to put towards new machinery, “only to see food prices plummet during the 1920’s when supply outpaced demand” (“The Great Depression” 1). Unfortunately, profits were not very high and the money that was used for updated equipment could not be paid back. Due to imprudent spending on American citizens’ part, the stock market crashed and investors and banks were impacted harshly. This is how the greatly known event called the Great Depression began. In the midst of this comes along President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, promising a “New Deal” for the nation. Would this deal be enough to save America’s economy and the life’s of its people?
The New Deal was a series of programs meant to ameliorate the American economy and balance social inequality. The first step Roosevelt takes towards the goals of the New Deal was to close banks with a “bank holiday.” Roosevelt initiated this because citizens no longer felt comfortable leaving their hard earned money in the bank. After reopening banks, American citizens’ trust and money was back in the banks and money began flowing again all over America. After a head start to get money moving, Roosevelt sends a farming message by the name of Agricultural Ad...

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...enand, Louis. "How the Deal Went Down." The New Yorker 4 Mar. 2013: 69. Student Resources in Context. Web. 4 Dec. 2013.
"New Deal." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History. Ed. Thomas Carson and Mary Bonk. Detroit: Gale, 1999. Student Resources in Context. Web. 4 Dec. 2013.
"The First New Deal: 1933-1935." The Great Depression and the New Deal. Woodbridge, CT: Primary Source Media, 1999. American Journey. Student Resources in Context. Web. 4 Dec. 2013.
"The Great Depression." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History: Government and Politics. Detroit: Gale, 2009. Student Resources in Context. Web. 4 Dec. 2013.
"The Second New Deal: 1935-1938." The Great Depression and the New Deal. Woodbridge, CT: Primary Source Media, 1999. American Journey. Student Resources in Context. Web. 4 Dec. 2013.
"Why Did FDR’s New Deal Harm Blacks?" Cato Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2013.

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