How To Write An Urban Sprawl Essay

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Hello and welcome. My name is Chelsea, and this is Elizabeth and today we are talking about the effects of Urban sprawl and traffic congestion on not only us, but our society and even the whole of Australia. I hope that after our presentation you understand the harmful effects of our chosen issues, and how you can help stop the consequences of our actions before its too late.

The first issue that poses threat against the future of Australia is Urban Sprawl. Urban sprawl is defined as the expansion of human populations away from central urban areas to low-density, monofunctional and usually car dependent communities, usually referred to as suburbanization. It’s ultimately another name for urbanization, and refers to the migration of populated cities to residential development across more rural land. Many people leave their city homes to outer suburbia due to the benefits of lower land rates and lower housing prices.
It is typically unorganized and poorly planned, making it an unsustainable form of development. Urban sprawl wreaks havoc on the natural land, ecosystem and community.

Some causes of urban sprawl are typically rapid population growth, subsidized …show more content…

Although Urban sprawl may seem to be a great opportunity to expand our living quarters and get people out of the city, when you divulge deeper you find that there are many concerning problems that place it as at a high risk of destroying our nation. Just some issues that arise with Urban Sprawl include elevated risk of water and air pollution through increased car dependency, more traffic fatalities, higher taxes, increased run off into rivers and lakes, harmful effect on the human health including diseases, loss of natural habitats, wildlife and open space. Every year, Urban sprawl consumes and demolishes unmeasurable amounts of forests, farmlands, woodlands and wetlands while creating social dysfunction, hidden debts of unfinished infrastructure and environmental

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