How To Write A Short Story: Abigail Dying

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There she was. Just sitting there. Staring at the ceiling. I could tell Abigail was thinking. went up to Abigail. “Hey Abigail.” I said, “What cha doing.” “Oh, nothing much. Just thinking.” This was the first lie of many. The minute it disappeared I knew something was up.It was a 2017 name brand gray mechanical pencil. I had 3 suspects.First, Abigail, a tall, dirty blonde, softball playing, jokester girl. Next, Isabella, a average height, silly, random, volleyball playing girl. The last likely suspect was Sydney. Sydney was a short, round and a kleptomaniac. She was my main suspect. I went to go question Sydney first. When I talked to her I immediately saw the look of guilt on her face. Suspicious.”Ugh. Jenna is always freaking out

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