How To Use NASA Persuasive Essay

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Opinion Essay

Option #2: NASA spends money on both manned space flight (like the Space Shuttle) and unmanned robotic probes. Now that the Shuttle fleet has been retired, should NASA develop new rockets to send people back to the moon? Should we send people to Mars? Should NASA focus on unmanned missions instead? Is money spent on space exploration beneficial to society? State your opinion about the proposals currently being considered to send astronauts to the moon or to Mars. In 2011 NASA’s budget was recorded at about eighteen billion dollars, .5% of the $3.4 trillion federal budget of the United States. This statistic can raise a few questions: Is it worth it? Why is the US spending so much money for space exploration when there are so many problems back at Earth that need to be solved? After further research I can safely conclude that space exploration, and manned missions to the moon have been very important in order to make scientific discoveries for the …show more content…

Robotic probes have a big advantage for getting to a certain destination. Since space exploration began, there have been hundred of probes deployed into outer space, for the purpose of making new discoveries about our galaxy but mostly about our solar system. These fleet of probes along with human effort have made so many discoveries. NASA has also made many inventions and improvements that we can take for granted every day. Memory foam, portable vacuums, water filters, freeze drying, insulin pumps, infrared ear thermometers, better software, solar energy, smoke detectors, artificial limbs, and even ct scans were would not have been invented or improved without NASA and its discoveries. Many people think that space exploration is a waste of time and that we should not be spending our money on all of this when there are people starving back on earth but much of these discoveries and inventions have proved beneficial to

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