How To Keep The Electoral College Essay

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I feel that we should keep the Electoral College but modernize it and make some changes for electing our president. The Electoral Congress is an outdated system that doesn’t always ensure that the citizens of the United State’s voices are heard. The reason the College was invented was because our founding fathers acknowledged that the information regarding the candidates did not travel to the different states quickly enough for them to be kept updated on the candidate's platform. So, they picked members of the Electoral College to stay in Washington, where they could easily be updated on the recent news of each candidate. From there, they would vote with the people of their state’s best interest in mind. Now, today it works in a similar but in a modified way. The votes of Americans are given to the College members for each state and they, in turn, vote for president. The biggest problem is that the members do not have to vote based on who the people chose, thus making it seem that the people's votes don’t even matter. That being said, there are also positive points regarding the Electoral College. For example, the College ensures that each state gets a voice and are kept a crucial part of the election process. Now, the issue is finding a compromise for keeping the Electoral College. …show more content…

One of the more popular ones eliminates the need to a College and suggests that whomever wins the popular vote wins the presidency. The major issues with this solution is that not all states will be represented and if a state is strongly conservative or democratic a voter of the opposite party has little to no chance in making a change in the election. The challenge for making a compromise is to find an even balance between the various opinions. This is a difficult task but I believe it can be

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