Possible Selves This paper will discuss four potential persons I might become. I see myself most strongly becoming a Peer Specialist. The role of a Peer Specialist is very important in helping people suffering from mental illnesses to accept, educate, cope and advocate for themselves to bring down the barriers that have been a stereotypical thorn in their sides’ mainly through a social disease called discrimination. This discrimination is basically society’s lack of understanding the world of the mentally disturbed. In order to become a Peer Specialist, I must first depending on the organization I decide to join obtain either an associates or bachelor’s degree in Psychology/Human Services. I am now working towards the bachelor’s degree. I have experience working with people that have issues, and have taken a course given by National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) to become a mentor and have taught skills classes to those with mental issues. I am also applying for employment with various organizations. When I am employed and see the results in people’s lives, I will then have reached the fully functioning level. I also see myself as a Substance Abuse Counsellor. This is also a very important role to fill because there are so many lives being destroyed …show more content…
each day because of alcohol and other drug use and abuse. I for one having a background of such abuse can be a great asset in relating to and giving hope to others still caught up in the throws of addiction. In order to become a substance abuse counsellor I am taking courses in the Human Services field mainly towards substance abuse. I have taken all but two courses that still remain which hopefully I will take in the next two semesters. I then have to complete an internship which requires 2000 hours which I hope to get from employment as a peer specialist because many that suffer from mental illness are also comorbid. A third role I see myself in is a keyboardist and vocalist in the church choir. Playing music and singing for the most important person in the universe God, is a very important role. The importance of this role is the opportunity granted to and knowing how to enter into the presence of God the way that has been prescribed. We are to enter the gates of spiritual heaven with thanksgiving and enter the spiritual courts with praise. It is such a joy to come before the Most Highest knowing that I have been invited to commune with the creator of the heavens, earth, the seas and all that is within them. I have some experience in playing the keyboards and singing, so I will have to start practicing again. It has been a while since I have utilized these talents and I think it is about the right time to get back to what I know well. I will have to purchase a keyboard and amplifier and when my singing and playing is up to snuff join the choir. Fulfilling this possible role is pleasing to God and it also uplifts the souls of those within the sound of it and gives hope. I also see myself having the attributes of an achiever.
The importance of becoming an achiever is that I will have a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction and fulfillment in life. The steps necessary to reach this goal will take dedication to which I am committed to complete and not side-step or put off, discipline which I am training myself to study and not party because practice makes perfect which result in better grades, determination which I am using by not letting failure deter me from reaching the destination because I see the glass half full not half empty and optimism which I am full of because I see the best outcome in my favor and see me reaching and going beyond the goals I have set for
myself. This sums up my possible-self and what I might become according to the way I see my life progressing and the way that it is shaping up.
If someone wants to succeed in life and stay recognized by superiors, then he or she ought to appear hardworking. A person begins with setting goals. There are two categories, the first, “be” goals and the second, “do” goals. In other words, ask yourself, "What to be?" or "What to achieve?" Four categories of goals consist of wealth, health, relationships, and self-fulfillment which equal success. Working diligently to finish a task demonstrates how to live a successful life. Given these points, Thomas Edison, Helen Keller and Harriet Tubman, all exceptional achievers, found that prosperity undoubtedly comes along for everyone who perseveres.
Determination, the strive to come out on top. The compulsion to reach your goal. For me, failure is not an option. Being adequate is not one either. You either have your game face on or you do not. There is no in between. My goal at the moment is to become a student at the Early College. From then on, I have multiple goals set up
Being a psychology major, I know the effects and consequences that mental health can carry for individuals. However, after taking many psychological classes at Berkeley, I found that the psychological definition on mental illness barely represent or fulfill to what people experience in the United states. In other words, I found that psychologists in America tended to emphasize on the biology of people, without focusing on their upbringing or their society. In addition, I also notice that instead of removing stigmas, many psychology and psychological research aggravated the problem by diagnosing people on the accounts of race, gender or status. That said, I found that structural competence pushed me to take the political aspect of mental illness. For example, I envision myself, not only advocating for the rights of people with mental illness, but also stopping with stigmas and discrimination. In fact, especially in the US, stigmas on the mentally ill can be dangerous because the more people that suffer from stigmatization, the less likely they will find a home, a job or achieve personal good health. In particular, stigmas can be worrisome to people suffering from mental health if the criminal justice gets involve because people gets incarcerated into prisons for having a mental illness instead of getting the treatment they need. Thus, I envision myself making political statements about people managing
The article “How to Be a Success” by Malcom Gladwell speaks about how success is something that can be achieved if you put the time and work into it, and how success is not achieved overnight but rather through long hours of constant practice. His article is targeted to more than one group of individuals. The groups of individuals that his article targets are teenage students, young adults, adults, people who want to become an expert, or want to succeed in something they have an interest in and in general society. Another article also related to the success of an individual “An A+ Student Regrets His Grades” by Afraj Gill describes how in society many schools focus more on students’ grades, rather than their learning, and how a student is
Corrigan argues that clinical diagnosis might exacerbate the stigma of mental illness. In Corrigan’s study clinical diagnosis adds groupness for the collection of people with mental illness which worsens the level of prejudice (Corrigan 34). Corrigan states that this ultimately leads to overgeneralization, as there is an assumption that all individuals diagnosed with the same mental disorders behave the same way (Corrigan 34). According to Corrigan the stereotypic description of mental illness perceives to the public that, people with diagnosis are not likely to recover from those disorders, which can lead to pessimistic attitudes from the public (Corrigan 35). Corrigan suggests that one of the solutions is to understand the diagnosis dimensionally rather than the traditional categorical diagnosis (Corrigan 36). Another solution Corrigan suggests is for the mental health providers to have individual contact with people who are recovered from mental disorders as they are living a life that challenges the stigma (Corrigan 36). The final solution Corrigan suggests is to replace assumptions of “poor prognosis with models of recovery” (Corrigan 37). Corrigan mainly focuses on the stigma of mental illness in independent living and work settings. One might wonder how the stigma of mental illness can influence in university settings, where the average age of people influenced is younger than people in work settings. Universities must use variations of education and contact in their initiatives in order to effectively reduce the stigma of mental illness.
The discussion of mental health is slowly being brought to the social surface to create a more inclusive society for those dealing with a mental illness. However, those with a mental illness are continuously being affected by stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination by those who simply don’t comprehend the complexity of the human brain (Glaser, G.2017). As more people become mental health activist, they are exposing the plethora of issues surrounding the overall mental and physical stability of those who are negatively affected by the social construct of what it means to be normal.
Aside from clinical management, this should also involve promoting acceptance and understanding of the experience in such a way that the illness is framed as part of the individual without defining them as a whole. The meaning attached by the individual to their experience can affect their progress and so, their life story, hopes, fears and unique social situation are central in the recovery process. While this serves to encourage acceptance of the individual’s distress, it also facilitates hope for resolution; therefore, professionals are required to enable the individual to unearth their own strengths and meaning. This means reclaiming a full and meaningful life either with or without psychotic symptoms so that the individual can maintain a life even if mental issues persist. Thus, services are required to facilitate a higher level of functioning for service users that enables the individual adapts their attitudes, values and experience; by taking personal responsibility through self-management to seek out help and support as required, rather than being clinically managed
middle of paper ... ... However, there is a large portion of mental health ill people that are able to find stability and maintain stability in their illness. Many of these people overcome their illness to some extent and manage to play an important role in society. Work Cited: Claire Henderson, Sara Evans-Lacko, Clare Flach, Graham, Thornicrofi.
Care largely takes place in homes and communities. Much of it is not carried out by health and social services but by families, by friends, and members of communities in educational and faith based settings. Within the mental health system itself, the interventions that have advanced care the most on the ground have not been diagnosis-specific, real progressions in the field are that of innovative community mental health provision, day hospitals, improved staffing and buildings. Outside of medical psychiatry, successful interventions include peer support and crisis intervention, hearing voices groups, all of which ignore or work outside of psychiatric diagnosis. So, in the grand scheme of psychiatric breakthroughs the biggest innovations in the field have grown from social, legal and policy advances, all of which have little or nothing to do with psychiatric diagnosis. Overall the ways in which psychiatric diagnosis has impeded or harmed the provision of care far outweigh the ways in which diagnosis may have advanced
My first semester in college, I took a Psychology 101 course and immediately knew I wanted to work in this field. I was drawn into different theories and how individual’s minds work. I always believed I was born to help others and guide them to success in life. I desire to help others because of my own personal struggles with mental illness. My unique perspective on mental illness allows me to empathize on a different level with individuals. I desire to give back and support to the community the way it was there for me during my dark times. I was lucky to have known from the start that psychology was my interest. I am excited to continue my education in the counseling field and become a future Clinical Mental Health Counselor.
Your Future in a Mental Health career? New York: Richard Rosen Press, Inc., 1976. Print: Halter, Margaret J. Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier/Saunders, c2014 Rhodes, Lisa. Telephone.
Helping people, whether it is through difficult times or to just achieve a goal, is one of the most rewarding of human experiences. However, with it being so rewarding, there is significant difficulty behind successfully helping someone. Luckily there are people that specialize in helping such as peer counsellors. Although helping does come naturally for some, certain things can be learnt to make one a better helper.
We should always remember that goals are simply tools to focus your energy in positive direction and for you to work hard. We should also remember this always “don’t let your goals just be goals, work hard, do everything and anything to make that goal a reality” Success is something that we all want to achieve in our lives. Some people want nothing more than to be happily married, have a large family and make their children well. Other people work hard for academic success and becoming as highly educated as they can, Academic success is something that many students want, but also something that many students are not prepared to really work hard. The most successful students are those that put the work in. It doesn’t matter how intelligent you are if you don’t put the effort to learn, and work hard on essays and other assignments. Everything we know is learned, and intelligent people are not born with everything already stored in their heads. While intelligence can give students a head start over others, this is where it ends, and those getting the results they want will be those that worked the hardest. This academic success will also help with your career, but once you’re in a job it is also important
Accomplishing your aim or purpose can be the true definition of success. You must want to achieve your goals at hand. You must want to earn everything. You really should put in the effort needed to become a successful person. Becoming a successful person requires you to be an extraordinary character. This means you have to be a very self-disciplined, competent, and trustworthy person. That allows you to become more trusted within the community and earn more respect. Learning from your mistakes is essential to your success. Every time you fail you become more knowledgeable on a subject. You can fail as many times as you want but eventually you will learn what is right from wrong. This will lead to you to become open minded and achieve success. You will have to put in the time and effort. Planning ahead allows you to have a schedule so you won’t be behind. If you have a plethora of skills, you will have a higher chance of success than other people. Skills allow you to qualify for certain positions and allow you to excel in what you need to. You can have time to achieve your goals and predict what else you need to do. Success can come in many ways including family, money, fame, respect, and achieving your goals. There are many ways to achieve success but these are only a few ways. Only you can decide who you want to be and determine your own goals. You’re the only person who can judge your
A person needs to achieve certain goals in one's life before you can call them successful. Success is to achieve goals, you have set. I have set certain goals I would like to achieve in my lifetime. Some of these goals are personal while others are professional. My professional goals in life are to find a good job that makes me happy, get a good education, find a job that makes enough money for me to support my family, and help people. Goals it is very important for me to receive a good education. Most job fields require a descent education. If I don't have an education I would not be able to function properly at the work place and I would not understand what to do. To maintain a good job that will make good money will require me to go thorough schooling or training and maybe even both. Education is the first and foremost way to become successful, because the job I will choose will need me go to school and maybe even beyond college. My happiness in what I do is also a goal for me I my life. There is no way someone can become successful if they are not happy with what they are doing. ...