How To Analyze Your Body Modification Essay

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Body Modification All throughout history humans have been trying to make themselves look different from one another. Some will do this by what they wear or how they style their hair; however others will try to change their bodies completely. There are many ways to modify your body, some are more painful than others, but all are shocking when they are seen. Some will mark your body to tell a story, others will stretch your body, and the most extreme will shrink your body. Tattoos are a very popular way to express yourself by marking your body; however some people chose to mark their bodies in more extreme ways. Scarification is done by cutting the skin or burnt with a cauterizing tool repeatedly until it’s wide enough to form a raised scar. …show more content…

The Burmese and Tibetans tribes in Thailand are known to do this to their women’s necks using neck rings. About 40,000 women wear these rings around their neck to show their beauty and identity, the rings also ensure that the women are only married within the tribes. The neck rings also serve the purpose to protect them from slave traders and tiger bites, but also symbolize the neck of a dragon. When the girls are five years old they get their first few coils around their neck. Later in life the girls will get more and more coils until they are satisfied with the length of their neck. The neck rings press down into the women’s ribcages and collarbone to make the neck appear longer. This causes bruises and discoloration to occur which can be seen when the coils are removed for a medical exam. Removing the rings is a grudging lengthy procedure and is only done when …show more content…

Foot binding began in ancient china during the Tang Dynasty (618-960) and continued until the end of the 19th century. Foot binding began as a practice only for the wealthy women but it eventually spread to the lower classes until about 50% of all women had their feet bound. Women began binding their feet when they were about four years old, the process started in the winter when the cold would numb their feet making the pain more bearable. Bandages were soaked in blood and herbs to soften the feet and were wrapped with 10 feet of wrap and tightened daily to make the foot smaller and shaped like a crescent moon. To achieve a tiny foot some women would put glass shards in their binding to make the toes infected and have to be cut off, many died from the infection they inflicted upon themselves. The ideal shape of the foot was bent like a crescent moon towards the heel and only three inches long, the foot would then be placed in a beautiful tiny shoe and was adored by the men of china. To keep the men from seeing or smelling their infected feet the women would always keep the shoes and bandages on ,except when rebinding, and perfume their feet to keep the foul odor down. Men would choose women for their wives based on their feet; some would even refuse a woman if her feet were not bound. The walk that bound feet caused the women to have been thought to make them more sexually appealing because

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