How To Achieve The American Dream Essay

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American Dream The American Dream is possible but requires a lot of hard work in order to fulfil your dream. The American Dream is everything you wish for such as a family, great pets, a perfect house, and lots of money. The American Dream is also what you want to make your life better. Some may not be able to achieve the american dream because not everyone has good upbringings. Americans don’t have equal opportunity to achieve the American Dream because some can’t work the required time to achieve their American Dream. Some just don’t believe they can achieve their American Dream. “The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it’s possible to achieve the American Dream” (Tommy Hilfiger). Some people …show more content…

Sons born in 1984 are only 41% likely to earn more than their fathers, compared to 95% of sons born in 1940. Still, they're better off than daughters born in 1984, who are only 26% likely to earn more than their fathers, down from 43% of daughters born in 1940. The study did not compare daughters to their mothers. As Ben Casselman observes at, the middle class hasn’t seen its wage rise in 15 years. In fact, the percentage of middle-class households in this nation is actually falling. Median household income has fallen since the financial crisis of 2008, while income for the wealthiest of Americans has actually risen. Many Americans say they are still doubtful about economic opportunity and the ability to move up the ladder. In fact, a new poll by The New York Times found the public is more pessimistic than it was right after the financial collapse. Just 64 percent of those surveyed said they still believed it was possible to become wealthy if they started out poor. PBS asked people what they thought rich meant, and I would tell you we thought some of those answers were quite surprising. You don’t need to be a millionaire in this country to be considered rich. About 25 percent, 26 percent of the respondents said, if you can make $100,000 or $200,000, that was very wealthy in this

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