How Temperature Affects the Rate of Respiration in Yeast Cells

873 Words2 Pages

How Temperature Affects the Rate of Respiration in Yeast Cells

Aim: The aim of this investigation is to find out how temperature

affects the rate of respiration in yeast cells.

[IMAGE]Apparatus: The pieces of equipment I will be using are as


* Measuring Cylinder (10cm³ and 50cm³)


* Test Tubes

* [IMAGE]Distilled Water

* [IMAGE]Glucose solution (0.5g-1.0g)


* Yeast suspension (0.5g-1.0g)


* Water Baths (Electronic)


* [IMAGE]Test Tube racks

* Gas Syringe (200ml)

* Stop Clock [IMAGE]

[IMAGE]Method: In a preliminary study, I found the best way for me to

do this experiment is by measuring 10ml of distilled water into a

measuring cylinder, and mixing glucose solution and yeast suspension.

I am going to keep the volume and concentration of the glucose and

yeast the same, but the only factor I am going to change is the

temperature. Then we put the bung on to the test tube leading to the

gas syringe. Then we are going to see how much gas we are going to

collect in the tube, and write it down. We are going to repeat the

experiment 3 times, and change the temperature of the water bath to

see if there are any differences in the results.

Fair Testing: To make the experiment a fair test, we will keep the

amount of concentration/ volume of glucose solution and yeast

suspension the same. Also another thing we will do to make the

experiment a fair test is to keep the test tube of yeast suspension

and glucose solution in the water bath at the same time for two

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