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How sensationalism impacts society
Media fascination with crime
How sensationalism impacts society
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Writing Project Two: Exploring the Perspectives of Others
In Benjamin Radford’s essay “How Television Distorts Reality” the author contends that television newscasts distort reality by focusing on sensational events. Radford claims that news broadcasts devote inordinate amounts of air time to crime coverage, and avoid more critical subjects such as race relations and geopolitics. The mainstream media benefits from these divisive tactics due to the rationale that sensational headlines are much more attention-grabbing, and they believe that they are being “democratic” by offering the masses prepackaged information that can be easily consumed. In reality, the media is forcefully increasing the viewer’s feeling of vulnerability, leading them to
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think that violent crime consumes every inch of our society. I strongly believe that news corporations need to realize that their nefarious methods of misrepresenting reality are dangerous. In conclusion, it is my opinion that the media’s saturation of negative news coverage has lead to social apathy and cultural desensitization. As the Managing Editor of the periodical, The Skeptical Inquirer, Benjamin Radford's writings primarily push the reader to think critically about the media.
In Radford's essay, he describes “the media paradox” which is forged when “we misplace our fears due to our reliance on the mainstream media” (235). Radford describes how the vast majority of mainstream news is “market-driven” and often relies on sensationalized stories that the media projects as important. Radford points out that there’s a media bias that focuses on murder and violence, which leads the public to believe that the world is much more dangerous than it really is. Radford argues that homogenization of the news, in particular, can be especially damaging to our society, and he believes that the method of targeting singular demographics insults the intelligence of the …show more content…
viewer. In the discordant political climate of today, the consumer is constantly being pushed and pulled between distortion and the truth. Pundits spew their dogma like televangelists, broadcasting their sermons to the left and right. Radford explains an example of this, “viewers have been led to believe that what they see on the news must be important, news organizations can’t be honest about their vacuous coverage without making liars of themselves” (234). I was interested in gauging the perception of the average consumer of media, I interviewed a few friends and family members to get their perspective. Marilyn, my wife, believes that mainstream news outlets “only focus on ad revenue instead of informing the public”. She claims “networks keep viewership high by glorifying blood and gore, and often it seems like they prioritize their bottom line.” One of Marilyn's’ earliest memories of the news, was hearing Ted Kaczynski’s name repeated over and over on the television, she explained that “I didn’t know who he was at the time, but I could tell it was an important story.” This is a prime example of how subconsciously we become desensitized at such a young age, and how horrific events become just another violent thread in the fabric of our development. My longtime friend/bandmate, Joey shared a similar childhood memory that still haunts him to this day. He described how he watched news coverage of the Oklahoma City bombing, stating that “seeing burned children being pulled from the destruction left me with the feeling that evil had won.” Joey discussed how he believes that, “the media constantly pushes the boundaries of destruction,” and that watching the news leaves him feeling numb. The majority of mainstream news outlets take advantage of the viewer’s instinctual nature to want to be considered a part of the consensus. This method used by the media often only focuses on catering to their target demographic and avoids pressuring the public into amending a neglected societal flaw. September 11th, 2001 is a date that most Americans can recall vividly.
Television networks covered each and every chilling moment, providing the unbeknownst viewers a front row seat to witness an uncensored display of carnage. Radford points out that “the news media do their best to raise alarm, even when no alarm is needed ” (236). However, on September 11th, the media’s perpetual stream of updates was necessary, and even vital, to maintaining national security. Our fragile national psyche is still recovering from the ghastly acts of terror that took the lives of two thousand innocent people. Furthermore, the horrific act damaged America’s sense of normalcy by increasing our culture’s immunity to violent images. As a result, we have become apathetic towards the suffering of our fellow man, and many simply stay fearful of the unknown. I discussed this topic with my father. He explained that “stereotypes about good and evil were created to make the unfathomable more understandable.” My father said he was, “optimistic about the future,” but also expressed frustration with our generations lack of motivation. Overall, I would have to agree with the man that raised me, but I also believe that our generation’s lack of motivation was created by a culture saturated in
negativity. We, as consumers are at constant odds with a propaganda machine, whose intentions are to divide and conquer. Fear manufactured by the mainstream news has caused viewers to choose the lesser of two evils, instead of working towards the greater good of our country. The media’s portrayal of police violence focuses on the bloody aftermath of systemic racism, instead of discussing the daily strife and intimidation aimed at people of color. For instance, Radford explained that, “by and large, the news media (and entertainment media, for that matter) seek the broadest possible appeal.”(234) Therefore, the media doesn't have to consider the individual repercussions of their approach. My position is that our generation’s expanding feelings of anxiety are the byproduct of the media’s practices. In my opinion, apathy has caused many viewers to tune out and avoid the news altogether. Ultimately, the viewer would rather be blissfully misinformed than have to wade through the media’s constant stream of darkness.
In his editorial "Words Triumph Over Images," Curtis Wilkie blames today’s media for being “reckless” and “a mutant reality show”. He believes that television and radio are “unfiltered”, which causes the quality of journalism for newspapers to be unmatched. Yet, it is unfair to label all media that is not print as lesser because the quality of any media relies on the viewers and the individual journalists, and in drastic situations like a hurricane, reporters may have many road blocks. Any of these aspects can affect the quality of journalism, which invalidates Curtis Wilkie’s claim.
Wang’s studies have shown that news industries are now tabloidizing news because it elicits the attention of their viewers. Now the only thing considered as “entertainment” in the news is “crimes, accidents, and disasters”. Wangs writes “News that bleeds seem to still lead the primary broadcasts” (Wang 722). People nowaday only tune in when a disaster has occurred and anything other that is not “interesting”. Unfortunately, people would rather watch Isis in action then heard about Obama releasing innocent victims from prison. The reporter in “Gray Noise” proves Wang’s words true when he records on his lens about a mother who had just lost her
In “Reporting the News” by George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, and Robert L. Lineberry, the main idea is how the media determines what to air, where to get said stories that will air, how the media presents the news, and the medias effect on the general public. “Reporting The News” is a very strong and detailed article. The authors’ purpose is to inform the readers of what goes on in the news media. This can be inferred by the authors’ tone. The authors’ overall tone is critical of the topics that are covered. The tone can be determined by the authors’ strong use of transitions, specific examples, and phrases or words that indicate analysis. To summarize, first, the authors’ indicate that the media chooses its stories that will air
The media takes a biased approach on the news that they cover, giving their audience an incomplete view of what had actually happened in a story. Most people believe that they are not “being propagandized or being in some way manipulated” into thinking a certain way or hearing certain “truths” told by their favorite media outlets (Greenwald 827). In reality, everyone is susceptible to suggestion as emphasized in the article “Limiting Democracy: The American Media’s World View, and Ours.” The
Media platforms like television and radio primarily spread propaganda created by the government. Citizens spend a lot of time watching television or listening to the radio and it’s a big part of their life. Almost everyone in the city owns a television or radio and believes things they see and hear from them. Montag escapes the police, but the T.V. chase is still playing out because they don’t want people to know that they let a fugitive get away. They found an innocent man on the street, labeled him as Montag, then killed him on the broadcast. “‘They’re faking. You threw them off at the river. They can’t admit it. They know they can hold their audience only so long. The show’s got to have a snap ending, quick!’... ‘The innocent man stood bewildered’… ‘The victim was seized by Hound and camera in a great spidering, clenching grip’” -Granger (Bradsbury 142). Media propaganda is so powerful today because everyone is susceptible to it. The press (newspapers, magazines, and T.V.) uses their tactics to shape people’s opinions. According to Johnnie Manzaria, the press is important because the most current news and info is spread through them everyday. People can believe anything the media says, because they have a popular opinion or reputation. Even if they spread propaganda, some people will inevitably believe it because “the news said so”, and is a very influential resource ("Media's Use of Propaganda to Persuade
Network news appears to convey more stereotyped impressions, a narrower range of positive roles for blacks than for whites. Representations of whites in network news are more varied and more positive than of blacks, not because of conscious bias, but because of the way conventional journalistic norms and practices interact with political and social reality. The findings raise questions about the journalist ability to represent the reality of black America while adhering to the professional practices that currently shape network news. Mainstream news portrayed African American as criminals, homeless beggars, welfare queens, ghetto-dwelling gang members, or drug addicts in American Society. Perpetuation of young black men as dangerous has been planted in the mind of American society not only by words and images projected by journalists but also in the mainstream news especially. Television particularly the news has the least positive representation of African Americans especially young males. When television became a house-hold item in the early 1950, this was a dark time in American History because there were huge racial tensions brewing in the south. The news show African American mostly young males getting abuse, hosed by police and attack by police dogs during a peaceful protest. It gives the negative images that African American was unlawful people and need to be dealt with swift action. Most of the time African Americans weren’t resisting but the news media depicted the images that they were and police were just doing their job to keep the peace.
Fear is not only interconnected to all emotions, but it can also be directly linked to nearly all faucets of everyday life. Society is so driven by fear that it has been the prime causation factor of wars and the driving force behind entire economies. Major news networks capitalize on fear based commentary. They seemingly promote fear by placing strong emphasis on only those stories that highlight things such as corrupt politics, homicide, the bankrupt economy, school shootings, and the so called, “War on Terror.” The News Stations keep people in constant search for the ever-elusive piece of mind. Networks such as MSNBC, CNN, ABC and FOX bring in billions of dollars by conditioning the human psyche with an abundance’s of commercials targeting consumers based on race, ethnicity, status and creed. Big business and Governments intention is to frighten its citizens an...
According to James Madison, “nothing could be more irrational than to give the people power and to withhold from them information, without which power is abused,” suggesting that the people have the right to learn popular information and learn both sides of an issue (Paul and Elder 2). However, in modern society, the media often do not present both sides of an issue and are inclined to often mask information for their personal benefits. Therefore, the people often learn and understand only one aspect of an issue and inevitably lean towards the bias present in that news account. Indubitably, the coverage in the mainstream news media influences the majority through its bias and propaganda, especially its partisan audience, which only appreciates one side of the news story. Thus, even though news networks may claim that their news programs and publications are completely factual and credible, their coverage of news events is politically, commercially, and racially biased.
The article, written by Bernard Goldberg, begins by talking about how television is most often used as a diversion from reality. It is then discussed that television can become more than a diversion, such as in times of war, terror, or tragedy. Goldberg focuses on examples such as the Oklahoma City bombings as well as 9/11. It is then proclaimed that on days such as these, we all turn to our televisions, whether it be Peter Jennings addressing the nation about the attack on our freedoms, or the story of Timothy Mcveigh blowing up a federal building. Goldberg then questions the process of connecting the dots in times such as these. A path is created through the statements of several television reports, resulting in the vastly believed connection that conservatism leads to anti-government rhetoric which causes Timothy Mcveigh to bomb the building. The argument is made that the media uses many categories to connect the dots that align with their agenda. Such examples include race, religion, sex, age, and politics. Lastly, Goldberg calls all television networks to report evenly so that the American citizens can connect the dots free from outside influence.
Throughout history, there have been many different genres of television shows. A genre that has affected society the most is Reality TV. Reality Television has changed television because it tells society about things like sex and violence. These have not been put on air in the past. But some situations they air are not exactly as real as it may look. For example, even though all the dangerous, extreme moves wrestlers use may look real, it is staged and scripted. Also many writers like to incorporate racial and sexist stereotypes in their shows. With all that put together, Reality TV sends the wrong message to its viewers. Reality Television has a negative impact on society because it is scripted, writers use too many stereotypes to define a character, and it sends the wrong message to its viewers.
During these difficult economic times sensationalism has become more prevalent in the media. Stories involving sex scandals and child murders have taken over our T.V and internet screens as well as the front pages of our newspapers. The media bias of sensationalism has been used as a sort of escapism for readers. Although it may seem that sensationalism has just started making waves, it has been around for decades. Sensationalism has been influencing viewers and contributing to media bias since the days of the penny press. Sensationalisms long history has been turbulent, self-serving, and influential to today’s reporting practices. With the influence over readers’ sensationalism’s media bias have and will continue to affect media reporting for years to come.
Television is a vital source from which most Americans receive information. News and media delegates on television have abused theirs powers over society through the airing of appealing news shows that misinform the public. Through literary research and experimentation, it has been proven that people's perception of reality has been altered by the information they receive from such programs. Manipulation, misinterpretation, word arrangement, picture placement and timing are all factors and tricks that play a major role in the case. Research, experimentation, and actual media coverage has pinpointed actual methods used for deceptive advertising. Television influences society in many ways. People are easily swayed to accept a belief that they may not normally have unless expressed on television, since many people think that everything they hear on television is true. This, however, is not always the case. It has been observed that over the past twenty to thirty years, normal social behavior, even actual life roles of men and women and media, regulatory policies have all been altered (Browne 1998). Media has changed with time, along with quality and respectability. Many Americans receive and accept false information that is merely used as an attention grabber that better the show's ratings and popularity. Many magazines and Journal reviews have periodically discussed the "muckraking" that many tabloid shows rely on to draw in their viewers. This involves sensationalizing a story to make it more interesting, therefore increasing the interest of the audience. "Along the way, all sorts of scandalous substance and goofy tricks appear, but not much mystery in the logic," (Garnson 1997). People often know that these shows aim to deceive them, but still accept the information as truth. Many times, people have strong opinions on certain topics. Yet, when they are exposed to the other side of the argument, they may be likely to agree with the opposite view. As Leon Festinger said, "If I chose to do it (or say it), I must believe in it," (Myers 1997). This is an example of Festinger's cognitive dissonance theory, which pertains to acting contrary to our beliefs. Television influences many people to change their original beliefs. It has the viewers think that the majority of other people hold the contrary idea. Once these views are presented, people have the option to hol...
Nowadays the media have transformed its main mission of reporting news that actually happened in an accurate and objective way into covering stirring and controversial issues as news stories due to capitalistic motives. Moreover, today’s media took the motto “If it bleeds it leads” as a criteria to report any story. The aim of following this motto was to achieve high viewership rates and as a result gain more advertisers which will ultimately increase the profits. However, this motto changed the media from reporting facts into reporting sensational-fearful news. Thus, this paper will demonstrate the effects of sensational news, and how the media plays on the cultivation theory using sensationalism to increase viewers.
In the argumentative essay “T.V. Addiction” by Marie Winn, Winn relates watching television to having an addiction with drugs and alcohol. The television experience allows us to escape from the real world and enter into a pleasurable and peaceful mental state. When it comes to television, Marie asks the following question: Is there a kind of television viewing that falls into the more serious category of destruction addiction? I believe there is. Why do so many people, instead of doing what they’re supposed to be doing, put everything on hold and just focus on television? I think this is because they want an escape from their problems.
A lot of bad things happen in the world, and it is probably right that people need to know about them, but news stations tend to ‘emotionalize’ their stories. A journalist’s job used to be simply to describe what was happening in the world impartially, but it has now become a job of ‘evaluating’ what is happening in the world, which is only a small step from sensationalizing it (Graham, 1). Not only are there too many negative stories, but the negativity in those stories is also emphasized. Reporters focus on the committers of crimes rather than the victims; they talk about what is wrong with the murderers, the robbers, and the rapists instead of what was right with the people who were injured or lost their lives. News stations now are even competing with entertainment shows for viewers and prime-time TV slots, which they do by emphasizing emotional material instead of just reporting the news. This is obviously not the best focus. News stations’ goals should be to inform viewers about what is going on in the world, not to entertain viewers and play with their emotions. There is just too much negativity in today’s news.