How Shakespeare Creates Tension and Suspense through the Use of Language, Dramatic Irony, and Dramatic Devices in Act Three Scene One of Romeo and Jul

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How Shakespeare Creates Tension and Suspense through the Use of Language, Dramatic Irony, and Dramatic Devices in Act Three Scene One of Romeo and Juliet

I will approach this task by looking at the different devices and

language Shakespeare uses in Act 3 Scene 1, and explain how these

techniques create tension.

The Globe Theatre was where most of Shakespeare’s plays were

performed. This was not however, the perfect environment to stage a

performance. There were many problems with the Globe Theatre.

The performances usually began at 2PM. They raised a flag show a

performance was being staged.

The Globe was an eight-sided building, and the centre was open to the

elements. People who sat in the centre were called ‘groundlings’, and

if it rained, they would get wet. The people in the centre would have

usually been poor, or rough, as it was cheaper to stand there than

anywhere else. It was usually very full, and so was uncomfortable,

especially when you had to stand there for up to two hours.

There were only male actors at the theatre. This was because women

were not seen as having important roles in society, not even important

enough to be on stage. In those days, actors were seen as being very


The lack of props was also a big problem for Shakespeare to overcome.

He did overcome it however, by putting the stage directions in his

script. For example, in act 3 scene 1, which I will study later on in

my essay, Benvolio says, ‘The day is hot, the Capels are abroad.’ This

will tell the audience that that the sun would be out, and that the

Capulets are about somewhere.

Other problems with having a play were politi...

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“And but one word with one of us? Couple it with something and make it

a word and a blow”

Whereas in Act 1, Scene 5 when Romeo and Juliet first meet the

language is very informal, forward and very loving with the use of

many metaphors and personification. “My lips, to blushing pilgrims

ready stand” “For Saints have hands that pilgrims hands do touch”.

These quotes are when Romeo and Juliet are talking in sonnet form and

complimenting each other metaphorically.

In this essay I have been able to show that is was very difficult to

stage a play in Shakespearian times, but William Shakespeare managed

to overcome the problems. I have also shown how tension has been

generated in different scenes and how different uses of language can

change the tension of a play, and use of dramatic devices can also do


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