How Running Can Change Your Life Research Paper

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How Running Can Change Your Life?
There are many methods for you to stay fit and healthy. One among them is running and it keeps you fit, clear your mind of any issues, able to eat more foods as you like with respect to your health. It seems that you are running for different reasons under the watchful eyes of the trainer and do it regularly. If you start running from today, then you will agree with the reasons to run.
Here are the things that will motivate you to run daily
• Running makes you feel better
Running daily makes you feel better. This is one of the major reasons why many choose to run. This is the period that many of us are having health issues such as obesity and more. If you have plans for weight loss program add running to it. …show more content…

As you start running your focus shifts to get mental strength, alert and energized for the day. All the overnight issues fell by the wayside and your mind is filled with new things and programs for the day. You can also do meditation and yoga to get calm in your mind.
• Running forces you to think about lifestyle choices
Once you start running regularly, you are sure to reap the benefits. The running forces you to think about your way of lifestyles, foods. Then you will look for the ways to lead a healthy life, think about diet that is needed for a healthy life. The other major benefit is quitting smoking and drinking. Once you start taking a healthy and homemade diet these things will come to your mind and you are sure to give up the habits slowly. So, be ready with the shoes for running and see changes in your thinking and lifestyles.
• Helps in building relationships
While running daily, you will notice many people running, walking and jogging. En -route you will make a smile with fellow runners and in the days a bonding created between the two. The friendship is not only for running, but will go beyond. The friendship will give mutual benefits to both of

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