How Moving Has Affected My Life

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Moving can alter a person's life massively. Moving always has an affect, whether its just moving house or in my case, countries. When I was four years old I moved form the freezing north of England to sweaty Clovis California. But, after moving halfway across the gigantic world to America, I learned that change is not always a bad thing. It completely changed me and made me into the wild person I am today. Without moving, I would have totally different goals and I would not be applying for this scholarship today. When I was thirteen and unaware of most, there was nothing I desired more than to move back home. I dragged myself to school in the bright, early hours of the morning each day, where I had friends, but nothing seemed to be the same. I missed the laughter of my family and the warm hugs of my friends back home. I got myself through each day by day dreaming of how my life would be back in England. I desperately craved the sound of the wind howling outside the window, as the rain trickled down the glass on a crisp night. But instead I was suffocating in the sticky, overpowering heat. I could not wait to graduate so I could move back and start again in the place I so desperately thought I needed to be. …show more content…

I found that loud, obnoxious laughter I was looking for when I met my crazy best friends.. I think back to the day I realized exactly what it was I wanted to do, I was sitting in my class watching the hands on the clock tick by unbearably slowly as we were watching a long video on child development and suddenly it clicked! I knew immediately that being a pediatric nurse would be the only job for me. Going back to England would never be an option if I wanted to accomplish my goal of becoming a nurse. Both of these changes opened up my eyes and suddenly I loved everything about the warm, sticky air and the chaotic people I saw every

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