How Marijuana Has Changed My Life

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Smoking marijuana has changed my life for the best. I consider marijuana as my cheer-up medication. People believe that smoking marijuana is extremely bad, but in my opinion, it is one of the greatest discoveries known to man. Since I have been smoking marijuana, I have noticed that it can be used in great ways, such as relieving stress, easing serious pain and giving personal motivation. I would not consider myself as an expert in marijuana, but I am close enough to be a spokesperson for it. One of the great effects of smoking marijuana has on me is the fact that it is a stress reliever. I suffer from several mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, serious anxiety, PTSD and ADHD. Being in college, I have experienced serious struggles and stresses that caused me to break down, give up, and even blackout. Having ADHD and PTSD can throw me off from focusing on things that are important. Either I am zoned out to a flash memory from my past or I am gazing at things around me …show more content…

I am not a shy individual, but at times things are hard for me to say to others, especially guys. When I want to speak my feelings to a guy I smoke marijuana before I do it. I know it sounds unusual, but it gives me the push to be talkative and really express myself. Marijuana gave me the courage and creativity to pursue my dream of being a artist. I have always been creative when writing for others, but now I have broken out of my shell and decided to bring my creativity to light. When I am on stage or in front of people, high as can be, I feel like the world is my oyster and no one can judge me. People think that I am very bold, outspoken and strong when I talk, but in reality, I am high and my care of what others think doesn’t matter to me. People have asked me my secret for being so motivated and striving for things, I always tell them if it was not for my marijuana medication I would not be that person they

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