How Is Tom Portrayed In The Great Gatsby

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How does Tom want to be viewed by other characters in the Great Gatsby? Tom comes from one of the wealthiest families in America and he wants to be seen as that with a lot of money behind him he is sure that most people will happily do anything to please a Buchanan. It is represented in this statement from Tom “ Civilizations going to pieces broke out Tom Violently I’ve gotten to be a terrible pessimist about things have you read the rise of the colored empires by this man Goddard ? pg 12 The Great Gatsby” In the end this doesn’t just reflect on colored people but also to people that come very little money or that have recently came into money due to Bootlegging. Tom ultimately affects the story by having a affair with Myrtle and then telling Wilson who he believes who was driving the car that hit and killed Myrtle and where to find Gatsby.

How is Tom viewed by other characters in the Great Gatsby? People see that Tom does indeed have a lot of money and so that lets Tom have a lot of influence over a lot of people and he tends to get out of situations due to the fact of the immense wealth that he has to back him up. Thanks to Jordan Baker we learn that Tom has got himself involved with another women “ You mean to say you …show more content…

Tom knows that his family is incredibly wealthy and that he can go wherever he pleases with whoever he pleases and do whatever he pleases because he has all of his family’s wealth to back up and clean up his messes. He thinks that as long as he returns to Daisy it is all right for him to go off on little flings. “He nodded sagely and what’s more I loved Daisy too once in awhile I go off on a spree and make a fool of myself but i always come back and in my heart I love her all the time. Pg131 The Great Gatsby.” This leads to Daisy becoming confused and driving her to Gatsby but then after him persisting she comes back to him in the end and Gatsby is left lying six feet under a long with the

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