How Is Nick Carraway Reliable In The Great Gatsby

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Nick Carraway is not a reliable narrator of the novel The Great Gatsby, because of constant lies that he not only tells, but keeps from his own family. Throughout the very first three chapters of the novel we are introduced to Carraway and soon start to question his reliability. One of the first instances that is called into question is when we goes to New York with Tom Buchanan who is married to his cousin Daisy. This was something a subject that Tom was open to discussing was Nick, as he exclaims, “ We’re getting off,” he insisted. “I want you to meet my girl” (24). Seeing that Daisy is his cousin you would think he would be a little angry at Tom for treating her this way, but with no resistance he quietly accompanies him to meet her. Throughout this visit he could have easily called Daisy and told her of her husband's mistress, but instead he keeps his mouth shut. If he is keep something this important from his family, what could he be keeping from the reader? …show more content…

As evidence, Carraway states, “I had to get myself definitely out of that tangle back home. I'd been writing letters once a week and signing them: “Love Nick,” [...] Nevertheless there was a vague understanding that had to be tactfully broken off before I was free.” (58-59). The reader is now aware that he is not only lying to his family, but a girl who is waiting for him back home thinking that he loves her. This shows that he seems to have no problem messing around and lying to the people that he should care most about. To make matters worse only a few lines below that he states, “I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known.” (59). Carraway is now not only lying to many people, but himself as

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