How Is Loss Shown In The Necklace

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Both texts depict loss faced by the main characters. One of these texts, ‘The Necklace’, tells the story of Mrs Loisel, a middle class woman living around late twentieth century France. Having a luxury craving nature, after losing a necklace she thought was inestimable, spends the rest of her life repaying it, only to find out the necklace was an imitation. The content of the text is put into an order describing in short her past, outlining her personality and dreams and then follows her life from the time at which her husband announces the invitation to a party. ‘Disabled’ is a poem written by the famous poet Wilfred Owen. It is set during World War One and is presented through the view of a young handicapped soldier living his life as he …show more content…

In ‘Disabled’, the emotional bond is presented by the term ‘waiting for dark’ which is most likely a euphemism for death. The bond itself is shown in this quote by the hopelessness evoked by the soldier who strongly yearns his legs and feels he is nothing without them since he is unable to move freely and is stuck in his wheel chair. He has nothing more to do but to wait for death to free him from the immobile state he lives, depicting he is in a depressive state and is feeling incomplete without his limbs. The soldier’s depression is further emphasized by the euphemism of darkness as it can also refer to loneliness and the empty and isolated feeling inside a black void he is most probably is facing. Intriguingly, the character happens to be nameless as well, as if his name did not matter. He is continuously addressed as ‘he’, further emphasizing the fact he is one of many, but this could also be a way of stating that he is not special in any way. This shows the denial of his importance, or at least demonstrating how the soldier does not feel important to this world. All this can be related to the way he feels towards the loss of his limbs and how he considers he is nothing by being left with no legs. He evokes strong emotional attachment to the body parts which leave him helpless, giving the reader the impression that he

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