How Is Language Used To Characterize Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby

Sheeps are fascinating animals. A sheep’s wool is used to create a variety of clothing items from sweaters, shirts, and gloves. An article from The Telegraph, talks about a lamb who survives winter in a wool jumper. The lamb’s name is Jack Frost and he was found by his current owner who said he had been abandoned by his mother. The “wool” jumper worn by the lamb is ironically humorous because the lamb itself has a coat of natural wool, so the lamb wearing wool would basically be like wearing another layer of skin. Similar to the ironic humor of the lamb wearing wool, Fitzgerald deploys the use of ironic humor to characterize Gatsby. Gatsby is characterized by the use of ironic humor and playful language that establishes the motif for who Gatsby is and what he stands for. …show more content…

The playful language that Gatsby employs and his eccentric personality express Gatsby’s wealthy nature. Gatsby, throughout the novel refers to Nick as “old sport” both informally and formally. Gatsby refers to Nick using this nickname to establish their authentic friendship. However, Gatsby also refers to his friends in this way in an attempt to group them together in order to distinguish himself from other men because of his wealthy nature. To emphasize his wealthy nature Gatsby throws “expensive” and “crazy” parties almost every night for complete strangers. Gatsby, alluding to his wealthy nature, throws parties for complete strangers because he wants to maintain his wealthy reputation, and ultimately he wants to impress Daisy, the woman he

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