How Is Jay Gatsby Selfish

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This essay will be about a character in the book The Great Gatsby by the name of Jay Gatsby. The Great Gatsby takes place in New York, but more specifically on Long Island in the 1920’s. It is about a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby and his passionate love towards Daisy Buchanan. This book puts me on the edge of my seat. It is an intense love story. During the story, Jay Gatsby transforms from a man of mystery to a very developed and detailed character. Jay Gatsby is a man of secrecy but at the same time possesses many character traits such as wealth, dishonesty, and optimism.

Jay Gatsby is a very mysterious character in the book The Great Gatsby. At the beginning of the book, all you knew about Mr. Gatsby was that he was a wealthy man who lived next door to Nick. As you start to get deeper into the book he becomes more and more puzzling with the rumors about his life. One rumor was that he was a German Spy. Another rumor was that he attended Oxford university. The last rumor was that he once killed a man. Later into the book, Gatsby gets closer with Nick. They start to get closer so Nick can help Gatsby get closer to a woman that he loves by the name of Daisy, Nick’s second cousin. He tells Nick a lot about himself. He said he was a war hero and that he was, in fact, an Oxford man. Gatsby also said he came from San Francisco but we later learn that was not true because he also said he was from the Midwest. Nobody really …show more content…

He lived in a mansion with a huge swimming pool, servants, and a custom made car. He threw many lavish parties and people always wondered where his money came from. Most people at the parties did not even know Gatsby personally. Although nobody knew for sure where his money came from, later in the book Tom accuses the money of coming from drug stores set up by Gatsby and Meyer Wolfshiem.. Gatsby always got phone calls from very important people which meant Gatsby was an important person

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