How Is Irony Used In Literature

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The underlying Irony
Irony is a literary technique used by many authors for its ability to have an humorous or suspenseful effect in their writings often producing a powerful message at the end. This literary technique has been used by authors since the 16th century which often shocked their readers if used profoundly and enhanced the tone used by the author in many cases. There are three main types of irony that can be used in literature which include, verbal irony, dramatic irony, and, situational irony. These techniques are the fundamental building blocks to creating a great use of irony in literature which can include all of the techniques or just the use of one or two. In pieces of literature such as "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson and "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allen Poe irony can be found in many powerful details and events which often foreshadow the resolution of the story using ironic techniques such …show more content…

This technique was used by the author for the purpose of drama, foreshadowing, and, suspense which kept the reader on the edge of their seat and guessing what is going to happen, changing the plot until the end of the story. The use of this technique relates to the tone of the story by enhancing the grim and horrific tone in contrast to the peaceful and normal tone used by the author. Another technique used by the author Shirley Jackson was verbal irony which often had the reader second guessing the meaning of minor details included throughout the story. Occasional use of verbal irony helped enhance the authors use of tone which could often have depicted something as normal and harmless as gathering rocks and turned it into a grimly horrific meaning. Overall the ironic techniques used in the story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson improved the tone and meaning depicted by the

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