How Is Holden Caulfield Relevant Today

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The Catcher in the Rye written by J.D. Salinger is still relevant to today’s high school students. The main character Holden is a problematic boy and he struggles with the changes of his life as he grows older. Holden has been in many different boarding schools, but he has not been able to stay at one. Since Holden is a troubled child and struggles with life, The Catcher in the Rye is relatable to high school students who may be experiencing similar issues. The novel is still relevant today because of the experiences that Holden has to overcome are similar to high school students today. Holden has flunked or got kicked out of several schools, the most recent school being Pencey. He disliked being around all of the boys, which
The other boy whose name is Ackley shares an “as needed friend” basis with Holden. Therefore, the only reason Holden goes to Ackley for advice is because he is feeling lonesome and depressed. After speaking with Ackley, Holden states,”But all of a sudden, I changed my mind. All of a sudden, I decided what I’d really do, I’d get the hell out of Pencey- right that same night and all. I just didn't want to hang around anymore. It made me sad and lonesome. So what I decided to do, I decided I’d take a room in New York…”(Salinger, 57-58). Even though Holden hates Ackley, Holden approaches him as a comforter and for someone to feel his void of loneliness. Like many teenagers, Holden has different levels of friendship with people, which explains his need to confide with Ackley. Most teenagers would rather feel physical pain than emotional pain, which is why Holden eggs on fights. The novel is relatable because most teenagers like Holden struggle with growing up. Holden constantly expresses that he feels alone and depressed, he believes that no one is able to understand and guide him. Many teens can feel alone and depressed because of the changes of their life or even relationship with different

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