How Human Actions Affect the Planet

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Our time on this world is very limited. Nothing lasts forever, and we are always changing and adapting. We try to improve the world and make our lives easier, but we forget about our surroundings and how we affect everything around us. Living organisms are coming close to extinction every single day. Humanity is destroying our planet and we feel that we are intelligent enough and capable to survive without it. Humanity needs to understand that to continue to live on Earth, change must be made so we may evolve in the future. People’s individual efforts are more than enough to be able to make a difference in the world.

The human species is more than capable of solving any problem that presents itself but we depend greatly on our environment. If animals go extinct or we run out of resources it is just nature taking its course of evolution, right? All living organisms depend on one another whether we know it or not, “…leading European thinkers abandoned the principle that a good life is lived in harmony with nature and the divine will embodied in its workings. Attempting to defy ethical and physical limits on human activity, these theorists proposed an intensification of control over nature to improve man's worldly estate.” (Hinchman L., Hinchman S. 665). People need to understand that Earth is our home and man kind needs to protect it as much as possible. There are people that see that humans have a duty to our planet if we want to remain on it.

There are people who view our world as something very delicate that needs our care and attention. Instead of solving problems people push them aside and later they become even greater problems. “Of course, pollution recognizes no boundaries and, as the world becomes increasingly i...

... middle of paper ... aware of what is going on in our world and learing what they can do to make a difference. It doesn’t take much to become environmental and learn how to makes changes to better our world. Everyone starts somewhere then people begin to do bigger and greater things. If people made these changes it could help tremendously. One person will not make a big impact on the world but united we can. If people unite and become environmental in all aspects of their lives bigger changes will be noticeable and will improve our world. People can make changes and protest and stand up for what they believe in, then that is when changes will be made. The government begins to take action once the people show that they are determined and believe strongly in their cause. People’s individual efforts do make an impact in the world, no matter how small it is it does make a difference.

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