How Hooke’s Law Has Led to Advancements in Respiratory Care

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Everyday amazing things happen in the human body. One of the things that happens is the way we take a breath, how we are able to use that breath to sustain life. As a breath is taken in, there’s many different physical and gas laws that take place to allow it to happen. With Hooke’s law I will be discussing what it is, how it relates to respiratory care, and the medical advances it may include. Hooke’s law was named after the man that discovered it in 1660. Robert Hooke was a 17th century physicist who discovered the relationship between the forces applied to a spring and elasticity. He published his book in 1678 that included the description of his work. Hooke’s law states that any elastic body, like a spring is acted on by a unit of force it will then move a unit of length. If moved two units of force it will move two units of length and it goes on and on. Hooke’s law states that there is a relationship between forces and elasticity. Generally this relationship is best shown through the equation F=kx. F represents the force applied to a spring and can either be a strain or stress that will be applied to a spring. X is the movement of a spring, with a negative value showing the displacement when it’s stretched. K represents the spring’s constant and details the rigidity of the spring. (Jessa, 2010) Another distinctive characteristic of Hooke’s law is that it only works in small frame of reference. It’s the law that is mostly effective for small distortions in a spring and anything greater would need another method to explain it mathematically. Another interesting idea of Hooke’s law is that it explains the first law of thermodynamics and shows any spring compressed perfectly will conserve the energy applied to it. The only ener... ... middle of paper ... ... when using a mechanical ventilator. If you over extend the lungs pass there elastic properties then there is a chance of causing a severe pneumothorax. Works Cited Jardins, T. (2013). Cardiopulmonary anatomy & physiology. (6 ed.). Clifton Park, NY 12065: Delmar. Ranieri, V. M., Guiliani, R., Mascia, L., Grasso, S., Petruzzelli, V., Bruno, F., Fiore, T., & Brienza, A. (1995). Chest wall and lung contribution to the elastic properties of the respiratory system in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. European Respiratory Journal, doi: 10.1183/09031936.96.09061232 Jessa, T. (2010, Febuary 10). What is hooke's law?. Retrieved from Mayo clinic. (2011, April 05). Pneumothorax diseases and conditions. Retrieved from

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