How Green Was My Valley In The Grapes Of Wrath

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Furthermore, the movie “Grapes of Wrath” presented in a documentary style does a good job illustrating the life of families fighting to survive the economic hardship. By using gloomy sceneries, damaged homes and swirling dust, the filmmakers convey to the audience the accurate representation of the various problems that many migrants encountered moving out west in California. The movie is also well paced and edited as it flows really well and engages the audience from beginning to the end. Although the use of an actual dialect of the Okies helps to make the story as realistic as possible, the dialogue is simple and obvious, having neither details nor sophisticated casting ideas, making the movie more theatrical and fitting within the simple dialect of farmers. Overall, from …show more content…

With time the verdant valley becomes devastated, a polluted land filled with coal waste and black slag as the coal miners' greed for nature's riches. Even the title of the movie appears to be asking how this could have been allowed to happen. As Huw wonders what else could have been done to preserve the prosperity of Wales' valley, perhaps many of us wonder as well, thinking what industrialization does to the environment and how slowly it destroys the ecology system. As the mining industry destroys the valley of Wales, unfortunately, everywhere industrialization and technological consequences have an impact on both the environment and on the human spirit like the narrator of this movie characterizes the slag heaps of the valley. Another characteristic of the movie that is worthy of note is the beautiful male Welsh choral singing that interrupts the movie, filling it with natural energy and spirit. At first, this seems bizarre, yet, indeed the singing, praying and having meals with the family add very well to Huw's glowing memories, making the script more attractive to

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