How Does Twain Characterize In Huck Finn

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The woods are an escape for Huck. There he can shed the constraints of civilization & live Deliberately. But Huck finds the chance of freedom to be able to be himself and live in tune with the elements rather than wear proper clothes & attend one of those proper schools.

2. Twain would describe Huck as the type of boy who enjoys rebel activities (smoking, sneaking out, pranking, and discussing of killing). But there Twain indirectly characterizes Huck as an orphan by creating a contrast between him and the other boys. All the other boys have family that Tom can capture for ransom, but unfortunately Huck has no family that Tom can capture.

3. A story that is told in 1st person includes the personal thoughts of the narrator. Since this novel is told with 1st person narration by Huck, the reader gets a look of the pre-civil war era thru the eyes of a …show more content…

Huck gave all his money to Judge Thatcher because he notices his fathers tracks, and he’s worried that his father is planning on taking all his money by gaining custody. I think his father could maybe kill him in the process of all this. Huck should plan to escape to flee his disapproving, drunk father. Huck also put trust in Judge Thatcher to keep the money safe until Huck can safely hold it again.

2. Pap, created a cross in his boot with nails, believing it would keep off the devil. . Huck believes that killing spiders is bad luck. Huck thinks that throwing salt over his left shoulder will keep away bad luck.

3. In Chap. 4, Twain builds the action for Chap. 6 through foreshadowing. Huck sold his money to Judge Thatcher. You could then tell in Chapter 6. In this Chapter, it built of that foundation. Pap then began a case to gain custody of Huck, which is selfish.

4. Twain began to question slavery in Chapter 6, by the use of papas dialogue with Huck. Pap talked about how a mixed race man can vote in one state, but then would be sold in a different state.Twain also criticizes slavery by the use of

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