How Does Technology Change Since 1970

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Technology has changed a pretty fair amount just over the last ten years, so imagine how much it has changes since 1970 to now 2016. In today's society we can't live without technology, we use it everyday for just about any reason. We use technology sometimes without even realizing it. How many times have you looked at your phone to check the time when there is a clock hanging on the wall or a watch in your room or on your wrist? How many times have you checked the weather on your phone rather than turn on the T.V. and watch the news? We do these things because it has become the norm in our society it is faster to glance at our phone to look at the time rather than reading a clock. While technology is not always a bad thing we can …show more content…

We rely on it to do homework,communicate with friends, and most people use technology for work. If we did not have technology we wouldn't be able to get some of our assignments done. We would be failing classes and losing communication with our friends and peers. As in the 70s they didn't use google classroom to see what assignments the teacher posted they had to write them down. They did not type their essays they were handwritten most of the time. They kept a planer to keep themselves organized and wrote down the dates of important events they didn't have remind 101. Today most of us don't even know what a planner is much less own one to keep us organized we shove papers into our backpacks and binders, and rely on our technology to tell us when our next test is. Most of us today have no organization in our life because we rely so much on technology to keep us up to date on the latest news. While technology is a good thing we still need to keep some of the same values that people in the 70s had such as organizational skills. We can have and use technology while staying and keeping ourselves organized. We don't need to rely fully on technology because at some point we may not have it available to us at the moment such as if you got grounded, lost your phone, or broke it, and we need to know how to function and problem solve without it. Our society today is relying too much on technology. We need to learn to take responsibility for some things we do and not blame it on other things like technology. People in the 70s turned in their essays just fine without having a computer to type it own and we can do the

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