How Does Othello Cause Desdemona's Death

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Who was the real killer of Desdemona in Shakespeare’s play Othello? Was it herself? In the play, Desdemona shows that she is naive and ignorant of Othello’s actions, purely out of love. Desdemona refused to blame Othello for her death to try and keep him out of trouble (Shakespeare 283). She knew something was not right with Othello but chose to ignore it (Shakespeare 173). Also, she did not speak up for herself, even when she had the opportunity (Shakespeare 231). Desdemona was the cause of her own death.

One of the things that caused Desdemona to contribute to her own death was refusing to hold Othello accountable for his actions. In the act five of the book she talks about how she could not trust Othello but she still loved him and wanted what is best for him (Shakespeare 281). Desdemona admitted to killing herself when Emilia saw her on the floor ask, “Oh, who did this?” Desdemona responded, “No one. I did it myself. Give my love to my kind husband. Oh, goodbye!” (Shakespeare 283). Desdemona had been lied …show more content…

Some people may think Iago caused Desdemona’s death because of his deceitful actions and lies he used to persuade Othello to believe Desdemona was unfaithful. Also, Iago wanted revenge on Othello for giving Cassio a promotion. However, this claim is invalid because, Desdemona lead Othello to kill her. Evidence proves this claim by Desdemona not going to talk to Othello, like she should have, about how he had been acting. Othello says, “My wife who is supposed to be like the fountain that my children and all my descendants flow from, has rejected me!” Desdemona responds, “I swear to God you’re accusing me wrongly” (Shakespeare 227). This is the second instance that Othello falsely accuses Desdemona. This shows that Desdemona was innocent and heartbroken. She says, “I hope you think I’m faithful to you” (Shakespeare 227). This proves that Desdemona wanted to show Othello her loyalty but never had the

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