How Does Oedipus Change In Hamlet

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Death has been an eternal problem, which human being faces all across history. Facing death requires enormous brave, furthermore, being responsible for death requires depth of wisdom. Back in centuries, individuals were deeply influenced by the ongoing beliefs, whether it was religious belief or just what people called the belief of the Ancient Greek, it manipulated them into acting in normal life and facing death to a large extent. As in texts “Hamlet” by Shakespeare and “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles, their personality and behaviour have been dramatically and successfully shaped to reflect on how the conception of their belief changed the ways of dealing with the world in regard to the understanding after death. Both of them demonstrated …show more content…

Most people couldn’t face their life straight; they couldn’t bear the weight of their destiny and very often, they tended to avoid the punishment when they did something that was against the Gods. Oedipus on the other hand, at the Greek time, firstly believed as everyone else, that everything happened or will happen were all in their fate, it was destiny that controlled their whole life and nothing could be changed. From the part where Tiresias revealed the Oedipus Complex: his behaviour of killing father and marrying mother, the action of fighting against destiny for Oedipus started to show the influence of facing everything he had done, including causing the death of his own father. Irony is widely employed in the play, such as where the people of Thebes came to the king and asked him to rid the plague, but in reality himself was the origin of the plague. Also he cursed the murder who killed the old king but he was actually cursing himself. These irony reflected on his ignorance before noticing the truth, and created a hint for further comparison. He then “recognised what he misrecognises, namely, his desire, and his history, inasmuch as they are, both, unconscious.” Before when he challenged the Sphinx, the puzzle he was given was a reflection of humanity. How many legs do human use to walk is only a biological description and it is not enough to divide between human and other creatures. Oedipus believed he solved the puzzle, but he then also lost understandings in humanity. The mistake in ethics and humanity was made when he solved the puzzle, which then established a sense of certainty in making mistakes in the future. Everything he did after, including killing father and marrying mother, all followed this pattern, and is a tangible consequence of disobeying his own fate. Oedipus was a character that had braveness, unselfishness and wisdom all inside him,

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