How Does Napoleon Stay In Power

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Throughout history there has been maney cruel dictators that stay in power even though they are awful to there civilians. These methods of staying in power can be seen In Animal Farm. Napoleon stays in power by eliminating the competition,revisionism and scapegoat. Napoleon uses eliminating the competition to stay in power. An example of this is Napoleon kicking out Snowball. Napoleon orders his "Nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars [to come] bounding into the barn. They [dash] straight for Snowball" (53). By doing this he eliminates his competition of another ruler. Another example where Napoleon uses eliminating the competition is when he sends Boxer off to the horse slaughterer, "Alfred Simmonds, Horse slaughterer and Glue boiler" (122). He feels threatened by him because he is the biggest and strongest animals on the farm. Napoleon eliminates the competition by kicking Snowball out and killing Boxer to remain in power. Even though Napoleon kills of the competition he still uses his power to change history the way he wants it. …show more content…

An example of this is when Napoleon changes one of the commandments to say "But some animals are more equal than others"(134). By doing this he is changing the meaning of the commandment. Another example of Napoleon using revisionism is when he changes the original four legs good two legs bad saying to "four legs good, two legs better" (134). Napoleon remains in power because he tricks the animals and changes their past history of the commandments to make himself more powerful. While he uses revisionism he also blames individual animals for the problems on the

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