How Does Miss Gates Show Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Miss Gates describes Germany as a dictatorship which is the main reason Hitler was able to do so many horrible to things to those innocent people. She then does a comparison between Germany under Hitler’s rule and American society claiming that, “Over here we don’t believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudiced” (329). Miss Gates describes America as this very equal place where there is no type of injustice similar to that in Germany under Hitler’s rule. She is confident that people in America do not believe in persecuting people because there is no prejudice which proves she is completely blind to the injustice all around her. Although, not as severe, the black community in Maycomb did face some of the same unfair treatments, the main event being the Tom Robinson trials, thus making Miss Gate’s teachings an example of situational irony. …show more content…

This is all ironic because she is so confident that everybody has equal rights in America and persecution comes from only those who are prejudiced, when injustice is seen right there in Maycomb. During the Tom Robinson trial, everybody knew that he was innocent, but it was a white man and a white woman against a black man, they clearly had the advantage. White people always had special privileges while the black people did not and were treated as inferiors similar to how the Jewish people were treated under Hitler’s rule. All in all, Miss. Gate’s appalling blindness to all the inequality in Maycomb makes what she tells the students a prime example of situational irony, Maycomb is exactly what she says it is

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