How Does Hitchcock Present Jeff's Relationship In Rear Window

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Developed through a Relationship between Lisa and Jeff In the movie Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock (1954), there were changes in the main characters’ relationship. In the earlier part, Jeff seems to not have experience with society outside of his immediate apartment or world. By the time Lisa shows up for the date, the writing, direction, and acting shows that these two characters genuinely get along. Later that time, Lisa starts joining Jeff on an adventure to solve a crime, following him in a heavy and risky situation. She proves to him that she is worthy of him once she is interested in due to what was going on outside with his neighbor. Therefore Hitchcock first presents a relationship in crisis, then turns it upside down. What …show more content…

The viewer hears this through Jeff's boss (his editor) on the other end of a phone conversation: “It's about time you got married, before you turn into a lonesome, bitter old man” (Editor). Notice that Jeff had been stuck in the apartment at least six weeks with a broken leg. With nothing to do, he is ready for anything, like the neighbors' lives to watch from his window while he sits on his wheelchair, “There's nothing wrong with you, Lisa." Due to his boredom and frustration, from being prisoner of his apartment, but also his inability to commit, he rejects his girlfriend Lisa even though she takes care of him very well. By the way, this problem would lead to Hitchcock shows the couple's relationship is in Crisis when he writes their first scene together as one which ends in an argument. Eventually Hitchcock shows Jeff feels more than just desire; he might even marrying her. However, in the beginning so far, he seems to have behavior issues, like his attitude and his bitterness over not being able to return to …show more content…

“You know -- that would be terrible job to tackle” (Jeff). On the first date with Lisa, Jeff acted like an old guy, however Jeff seems to be something very different in his voice and feeling. During his second date within his tries, Jeff means to be very special and romantic to his girlfriend Lisa. “I'm in love with you. I don't care what you do for a living. Somehow I would just like to be part of it” (Lisa). Lisa also had adapted through her life after she had been convinced about Jeff's true story of Thurgood suspicion. And then Jeff suddenly assigned Lisa to do a mission under Thurgood Investigation which will be risky and heavy taking. That is because Jeff couldn't do anything about with his broken leg. So basically, Jeff believes Lisa as to be a person who had been on a journey before. Instead of love throughout whole film, the plot tends to make it more interesting and contain more tragedy. Apparently, there were a couple of changes in the relationship in both Lisa and Jeff within their

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