How Does Gotham Portray Mental Illness In The Criminal Justice System?

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Gotham is a television series based off the DC comics when batman is still a boy. Gotham is notorious for its high crime rate and infamous villains. The series revolves around James Gordon a new cop that learns throughout the plot how corrupt the law system is in Gotham. Although Gotham exaggerates the flaws in the law system it does have some truth in it. Mental illness is a big factor that makes up quite a few villainous characters in the series. Three of these villains that were captured and sent for treatment came back into Gotham sane and go back to doing unlawful things. Theoretically letting the villains go with no treatment or punishment. According to the article "Addressing Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System." this happens …show more content…

The article “Problems in the Criminal Justice System” uses real cases to pinpoint where human error can interfere with justice whether it was intentional or not. Ex-judges state in the article there can be an error in the forensic science, appeals process, police abuse, jailhouse snitches, deals with the devil and cover-ups. Gotham shows a really corrupt system with police working with gangsters and bendable to the will of whoever is the most powerful. It's appalling how bad Gotham is and seems unrealistic but in truth, it happens a lot more than we’d like. A good example of a devil’s deal is when on Thanksgiving eve of 1991 in texas May was sentenced as guilty and sentenced to death on the word of Miles. Miles was told that if he names the murder that pulled the trigger the police would give him a deal so he could get off on a lighter sentence. Miles was intimidated with the threat of an execution if he didn’t say who pulled the trigger so he named May. Later overwhelmed with guilt Miles confessed his false statement against May. Miles felt the pressure of police and other people to put May under the bus and situations that are complicated and play at people's emotions happen a lot. The police probably had no intention of trying to get him to name a false partner but were just doing everything they could to find the killer but what they did actually do more harm than good. Another point is that even the most honorable law enforcers may not follow the law system subjecting it to faults. Jim Gordon was Gotham’s white knight that did everything he could by the book. At one point he goes against the law though because he felt like he had no choice. A villain got away with kidnapping the mayor and killing other political figures so he himself could become mayor. This villain got away from any lawful punishment because he was so powerful, however. The former mayor that the villain kidnapped

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