How Does Beowulf Show Moral Corruption

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In Robert Zemeckis’ film, Beowulf, the character of Beowulf commands respect through his honorable reputation. He sets out to maintain that powerful reputation by slaying Grendel to protect the village of Heorot from further harm. The village commends his accomplishment of the task and thinks of him as a great hero. However, Beowulf suffers from the curse of allowing attraction and selfish interests to influence his actions. As stated by Michael Dion, “moral corruption includes the corruption of practices and customs. The corruption of morality is basically due to the corruption of the reason and the perversion of the heart” (49). Beowulf allows Grendel’s mother to bring him dishonor by falling for her charms and lying about her demise. Beowulf …show more content…

By doing so, he denies the people the right to know the truth regarding their former king. Beowulf ruled as a beloved leader with love attained through fabrications. Omitting the king’s countless falsehoods, the history of his leadership suffers from inaccuracy. The truth undoubtedly angers the people, but benefits them more than it hurts them. The people knowing of his affair with Grendel’s mother leads to a well-prepared defense against the consequences of that affair. Mary Mothersill refers to the philosophy of Immanuel Kant and his belief that humans maintain a responsibility to the truth and lying compromises the self-respect of those involved …show more content…

He leaves his people vulnerable because of his absent method of parenting by creating an angry creature that wishes to harm those connected to the father that never cared for him. Only Grendel’s mother benefits from the act as she gains a replacement for her former son and a weapon. Beowulf armed a known monster unknowingly and never suffers the consequences because his lies are never discovered by his subjects. The lies instead infect those that surround him. Regardless, he dies with his legacy intact and the people remember him as a

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