How Does Beowulf Define Heroism

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“With the great power becomes great responsibility.” – Ben Parker this is what I believe was the perfect description of a hero. A hero is not always a man who hides under a mask or have supernatural powers. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. A hero is a selfless act of courage and is one who has a vested interest of others at heart. For these reasons heroes are not born they are made and shaped by the sacrifices and life experiences.
Power is used to describe an accomplishment act by a hero. Although this might be true the definition of a hero goes beyond this. A hero is described as someone who has the best interest of others in mind. One who is admired for having courage and being brave; a warrior who goes to battle, showing no fear. Lastly a hero is someone who earns achievements and rewards for their courageousness and sacrifices for the good of others.
“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 (EVS). This scripture best describes Jesus, the perfect hero. He sacrificed his life for us so that we would have a place in heaven. He …show more content…

However he sets the characteristics of the true hero by his sacrifices to serve and save others. In the poem Beowulf, Beowulf also portrays these characteristics of a hero. Beowulf too sacrifices his life for his people. Throughout his life he goes to battle putting his life and risk to save others. At first Beowulf goes to battle and fights evil so that he may be known and is rewarded for his achievements for killing the monsters. But it wasn’t until he was older that he became a true hero. In his last battle, Beowulf acts selfishly and learns to fights with no fear because he has the best interest of his people and the kingdom at heart. Beowulf fits the definition of a hero because he has grown and understands what it means to put others before him and bravely sacrifices his life for others so that the people of his kingdom will be

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