How Does Atticus Use Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Justice is used in the novel when Atticus fights for Tom Robinson’s innocence. Even though Atticus knows the case is going to result in Tom being guilty, he still tries to defend Tom. Earlier in the story, Judge Taylor surprisely but purposely chooses Atticus to be Tom’s attorney. It seems like Judge Taylor may want to bring justice for Tom as well. At the end of the heated trial, it’s revealed that Tom is guilty, and the Ewells have won the case. Tom is put into prison and within a few days, he was shot seventeen times while attempting to escape. The outcome of Tom shows a big example of injustice. While Helen is faced with the injustice of her husband, Link Deas provides her with Tom’s former job. With her new job, Helen constantly gets harassed by the Ewells as she walks by their house. Link Deas came along and sweared to Bob that he will protect Helen from their threats and harassment. These are the varied examples of justice that are represented through Atticus, Judge Taylor, and Link Deas. …show more content…

White supremacy has taken over, and the colored minority groups have hardly any rights to become equal. The colored minorities have to fight for justice to maintain their equality as American citizens. When Atticus argues with his closing statement, he is trying to bring justice to not only for Tom but for all the people of color. A great lawyer like Atticus might have a high probability of winning the case; however, there was no victory due to Tom’s skin color. The case may have not succeeded, but it was a small step to reaching equality for all people of color. For a white man like Atticus to defend the colored people, is was just the beginning of gaining rights. The importance of justice is a big part of the novel because everyone is equal; therefore, everyone should be treated

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