How Do The Clothes Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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In The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the protagonist and main character is a questionably rich, young man named James Gatz, known as Jay Gatsby. Gatsby owns a mansion in West Egg and throws extravagant parties every weekend with guests he has never even met before. Gatsby throws these parties in hopes that his teenage love will one day, will attend and they will be reunited. Color significance in the novel is present with the colors such as gold, green, white, and many more. In The Great Gatsby, many colors are mentioned because the colors allow connections to various emotions and this allows the reader to relate to the continuous idea of Gatsby’s wealth present in the novel. Gatsby's attire includes various bright colors. These bright clothes symbolize Gatsby showing of his wealth. Gatsby is located on the West side and is considered part of the “new money.” He is very wealthy for being so young and living on his own. Gatsby’s pink suit symbolizes “new money” because a traditional color suit would be considered “old money.” Gatsby’s attire is “new money” because he was raised by unsuccessful farmers and a pink suit shows that his money has not been given through a family fortune, but earned through various means instead. Gatsby’s attire also includes a caramel-colored suit and white flannel suit. The caramel-colored suit represents him being different and the white flannel suit represents innocence. Gatsby is …show more content…

The corruption throughout the Gatsby’s journey shows the reader the tragedy of the American dream. The colors symbolize emotions and help the reader to better understand Gatsby’s intuition, along with integrity. Gatsby is a character unlike the other characters present in the novel, and Fitzgerald makes this clear through Gatsby’s consistency, in trying to please everyone, along with his constant strive to better

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