How Did The Taxes Lead To The American Revolution

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Due to the redundant acts in the 1760s, the American Colonies demanded to revolt from Great Britain. The colonies would either fight or resist the actions , or taxes placed upon them by the British. They revolted due to the Boston Tea Party of 1773, and the Boston Massacre of 1770. All of these taxes were placed upon the colonies to help Great Britain pay off the debt of the French and Indian War. The colonist were resentful towards the British because they did not have a say in the British Parliament, which led to the saying “no taxation without representation” in approximately 1761 by James Otis. The British Parliament was the Congress of Britain, which passed the laws and taxes on the colonies. Overall, the colonies would either fight or resist the taxes passed on them, which would then lead to the American Revolution. …show more content…

According to document three, “ pamphlets, almanacs, calendars, newspapers, and public notices were the publications of the act”. Great Britain enacted the Stamp Act to accumulate money to help pay off the war and King George lll believed that it was legal to tax the colonist because the colonies belonged to him . The colonies, especially Virginia, disapproved of the new tax. They believed that they should not be taxed unless they have a say in the British Parliament. The only way that they believed that they could be taxed was by their own representation ( document

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